Phase 2
It seems like AGES since I last posted!!
Since I last wrote I made the decision to put my gym memberships on hold and train out of my garage (rocky style) and its's been the best decision ever.
I actually find it quite easy to motivate myself and push myself when it's me against me so I'm enjoying that aspect and I'm also enjoying the fact that I can get up, grab a coffee, hit the gym and THEN shower and put on real clothes for the day :-)
I have my TRX, a kettlebell, medicine ball, steps, dumbells, a treadmill and spin bike so I'm pretty well set up, I can't lift heavy but I'm doing circuit / volume type training at the moment so it's not bothering me too much, that will change because already I can see I've lost some size in my muscle but for now it works.
The only downside is that I don't have a nice big space with mirrors to practice my patterns :-(

I have been practicing my side kick 50 times every day, working on making my right hip stronger and increasing my range of movement, I'm making good progress quickly on that front.
I relearned my 5th dan pattern last week and I really love that pattern, out of all the patterns I;d say I love practicing Taebaek (3rd dan pattern) Pyongwon (4th) and Sip Jin (5th) the most, all so different and beautiful when done right.
I've developed an issue in my left hamstring tendon, it has a bunch of scars from previous tears and with the training it's tightened up and my hammie has stopped firing and the tendon has been put under a heap of pressure.
I finally bit the bullet today and went to the physio and it needs some rest, some anti-inflams, ice and treatment so we can get on top of it before it turns nasty.
Sitting on it is killing me, standing after sitting and post training is when its at it's worst but so far it ins't stopping me, I have to drop my side kicks for a week which is probably the biggest loss.
I've been happily consistent with my training and now....drum roll.....I'm dying to get stuck into some sparring training :-)))
As of Tuesday I'll be starting fight training with Con twice a week after our regular sessions and I can't wait! It's been a long time since I've sparred with anyone but my own students (apart from MT in Thailand) so I'll know I'm alive that's for sure!!
And so enters Phase 2, can't wait to share with you how it goes next week :-)
Since I last wrote I made the decision to put my gym memberships on hold and train out of my garage (rocky style) and its's been the best decision ever.
I actually find it quite easy to motivate myself and push myself when it's me against me so I'm enjoying that aspect and I'm also enjoying the fact that I can get up, grab a coffee, hit the gym and THEN shower and put on real clothes for the day :-)
I have my TRX, a kettlebell, medicine ball, steps, dumbells, a treadmill and spin bike so I'm pretty well set up, I can't lift heavy but I'm doing circuit / volume type training at the moment so it's not bothering me too much, that will change because already I can see I've lost some size in my muscle but for now it works.
The only downside is that I don't have a nice big space with mirrors to practice my patterns :-(

I have been practicing my side kick 50 times every day, working on making my right hip stronger and increasing my range of movement, I'm making good progress quickly on that front.
I relearned my 5th dan pattern last week and I really love that pattern, out of all the patterns I;d say I love practicing Taebaek (3rd dan pattern) Pyongwon (4th) and Sip Jin (5th) the most, all so different and beautiful when done right.
I've developed an issue in my left hamstring tendon, it has a bunch of scars from previous tears and with the training it's tightened up and my hammie has stopped firing and the tendon has been put under a heap of pressure.
I finally bit the bullet today and went to the physio and it needs some rest, some anti-inflams, ice and treatment so we can get on top of it before it turns nasty.
Sitting on it is killing me, standing after sitting and post training is when its at it's worst but so far it ins't stopping me, I have to drop my side kicks for a week which is probably the biggest loss.
I've been happily consistent with my training and now....drum roll.....I'm dying to get stuck into some sparring training :-)))
As of Tuesday I'll be starting fight training with Con twice a week after our regular sessions and I can't wait! It's been a long time since I've sparred with anyone but my own students (apart from MT in Thailand) so I'll know I'm alive that's for sure!!
And so enters Phase 2, can't wait to share with you how it goes next week :-)