I'm still here!

It's been ages since I've posted but to be honest I don't really feel as though there's much to write about when it comes to training. TKD is once again a large part of my life and any other training I do these days is in support of my taekwondo training.

My weights training has dropped off a bit but Con has us on the Kinesis twice a week and we're working pretty hard in those sessions, I feel I'm getting some good resistance training there and if I get another 1 or 2 full body sessions in each week I'm happy.

I've been working on my sprints again and I'm loving that.
I'm hitting 18kph (as fast as my treadie goes) on my sprints and aside from tightness in my hammies I'm doing it easy enough.

My hip is mostly behaving itself and overall the body feels good.

My training week looks like this...

Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday: Taekwondo

Tuesday & Thursday: Kinesis

I'm hitting sprints at least twice a week for about 30 minutes including a good warm-up.

I'm getting between 1 & 2 full body weights sessions done each week.

I'm walking for a bit over an hour 3-4 times a week (about 6.5km).

In other Martial Arts news I headed to Adelaide a couple of weeks ago and for the annual AMAHOF dinner and I'll be honest I haven't enjoyed the last couple of years, even the one I was inducted but this year was fantastic.

The highlight of the night though was these guys, http://australiabokatorassociation.com/
If you head to their Facebook Page you'll see a video of the demo they did for AMAHOF.
Prepare for your mind to be blown.
I'm still lost for words at how amazing it was.
Also keep in mind that these guys drove from Melbourne to Adelaide the day of the demo, didn't do the demo till around 9 at night and many of them were throwing up the whole trip to Adelaide.

This is an art that's dying so your support is important to help keep this alive so please go to their Facebook Page and like it, comment and share and get them some attention, this would be a shame to lose.

I also got to catch up with an old client of mine who was also a 2016 Inductee.

Congratulations to Doug on his induction.

On another note I've also been busily decorating my office, I now have the interior styling bug and there's no stopping me!

I'm like a magpie, I keep bringing bright shiny new things back to my nest :-)

Below is how my office looks on video, other than my mastermind ladies I don't meet clients in my home office, it's all skype or live webinar calls so this is the view they get :-)

I'm doing heaps of Facebook Live Streams as well and sometimes I go live when I'm out and about but again, lot's of that is done in my office.

Feeling pretty proud of my efforts.

I was back in Sydney for my Mastermind last week (Adelaide and Sydney trips were 3 days apart so a busy week).

One last thing is that my son turns 21 next month!!! Can you believe that?? 21!!

We're going to head to my mums so he can catch up with my brothers and sister, my step-dad, mum and her partner and my aunties and uncles. Cody loves his family very much and really enjoys his time with them so it will be a fun night. I'm looking forward to that, Chloe will be there of course so to have both of my kids in the one room at the same time will be a huge treat.

Well, that's about all I got! There's probably a bunch of other stuff I've forgotten about, so much happens in a couple of weeks, but that's the guts of it :-)

Have an awesome week and I'll be in touch again soon.

Michelle xo
