Almost there!

I decided on a rest day yesterday, my hip was pretty sore and I knew I'd be able to make up the training over the weekend (I added another 1hr 15min today), I also wanted to get to Physio to hear what Jed had to say.
All good at Physio, everything around my hip went into panic stations during a fall trying to protect it so once he tortured me for 30 minutes and I got some anti-inflams into me I was feeling much better.
Last night Dave and I went out and had pizza and a few drinks so I was pretty keen to get my ass on the treadmill today burn off some wine calories!
Instead of heading into the gym I cranked up the music and did 45 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes of intervals on the spin bike.
Feels kinda badass training in the garage, I like it!
Not sure my neighbours are as excited as I am though, I sang at the top of my lungs to some pretty daggy music for the whole session, can't do that at the gym now can you??!!
My tally for this week is now 9hrs 20min, 40 minutes tomorrow and I'll have my 10 hours nailed.
Thursday I ordered a new Polar M400 with HRM and while I always love a new gadget I'm sad to say goodbye to my old faithful, she's featured in many training sessions over the years, she's been to Thailand with me on every trip and has been a beauty. But she's seen better days and it's time to retire her, the numbers keep fading out so that I can barely read them. I've had it repaired lots of times and looking at the cost of a new one it just wasn't worth it.

I'm surprised at how cheap these things are now, I think I paid more for my old girl and she doesn't have GPS.
This one has GPS which is good, I do have a Garmin GPS multi-sport watch but it's MASSIVE and gets in the way.
I should have it by the end of next week - happy days :-))
Totally blew my calories out of the water yesterday (who knew how many calories Drambuie had!!) but I'm not worried, I've been under all week and it's good to dump some extra cals in from time to time to shake up the metabolism.
Not enough veggies yesterday but to be honest I couldn't look at one yesterday, was over them!
We went to the Vic Market this morning and stocked up on seafood and fresh veggies, Dave bought me a Kransky that was bigger than my arm and I ate the lot!!
I love that market and we always have a ball when we're there, I haven't wanted to go because it's been soooo cold but I rugged up and braved it today.
It's always worth it, the seafood is so fresh and so much to choose from.
Anyway that's a wrap, have an awesome weekend.
