Let The 6th Degree Journey Begin....
I'm excited!!
As I sit here on Sunday afternoon I'm thinking about the training week I have ahead of me and it excites me.
Next week I officially begin training for my 6th dan one year from now and I can't wait to get stuck in.
I'm also about to take on a new Martial Art as a white belt and that excites me too, tomorrow night I'm heading to a local Aikido School for my first class.
I think it's important in my development as a Martial Artist, at this time in particular, to don a white belt and open myself up to starting at the very beginning again while I also work hard to gain excellence in the art I've practiced for 25 years.
There is nothing like being a beginner, it's a gift, one I didn't recognise in my early training days.
I can vividly remember my frustration as a beginner in TKD, I was in such a rush to learn everything and became so frustrated with myself when I made mistakes; a true perfectionist I wanted to perfect the art and quickly!!
The minute I had my new belt I was begging to learn my next pattern and would often learn the whole thing the same day as grading!!
It's so very true that Black Belt is where the training wheels come off, where you move from learning the basics to disciplining yourself to achieve excellence in even the most basic of techniques.
In fact achieving a high level of excellence in the basics is what helps shape a highly skilled Martial Artist.
As the stripes have accumulated on my black belt, 2, 3, 4 and then 5, it has become increasingly clear that there is so much for me to learn, both on and off the mat.
I now look back at the thoughts running through my head at the achievement of my Black Belt and am pretty horrified to think I'd achieved excellence!
I had mistaken excellent technique for knowledge, just like a kid learns the alphabet by rote, I had mostly learned the techniques by rote although I did ask a million questions every time I learned something new!
Hearing an explanation and UNDERSTANDING it fully are two different things :-)
As I begin my training for 6th I'm humbled and am thirsty for knowledge and more thirsty than ever for excellence.
Learning a 2nd Martial Art has been something I've attempted a number of times but haven't ever found the right one or the right time.
I did really love the 8 months training I had in ninjitsu in the late 90's, it was such a different style to TKD, the stances challenged me, the intricacy of the techniques challenged, the closeness to my opponent challenged me even more but I really loved learning something new and I soaked up every second of it.
What appeals to me about Aikido is the throwing aspect and from a logistical point of view I know I'll be able to train a minimum of twice a week and maybe 3 times and I know I'll need that to feel I'm getting somewhere.
Mr Chang was a Judo Olympian as well as being a TKD Master and before we were eligible to grade for 1st Dan we were expected to attend Judo classes regularly, while I wasn't a huge fan of the close contact (I love my striking arts) I LOVED the throwing and got quite good at it. I know Aikido is a different style but the throwing is something I know I'll love.
So my fingers and toes are crossed that this school is a good fit.
On top of TKD and Aikido I'm following Erin Sterns program that I spoke about HERE
I tested the program this week and I LOVE IT!!
I do need to add hot yoga to my training but that will have to wait another week!
My body is feeling pretty good, I'll have to curb my enthusiasm this coming week so I don't hurt myself before I even get off the starting blocks, it would be nice if my body could keep up with my brain!!!

As I sit here on Sunday afternoon I'm thinking about the training week I have ahead of me and it excites me.
Next week I officially begin training for my 6th dan one year from now and I can't wait to get stuck in.
I'm also about to take on a new Martial Art as a white belt and that excites me too, tomorrow night I'm heading to a local Aikido School for my first class.
I think it's important in my development as a Martial Artist, at this time in particular, to don a white belt and open myself up to starting at the very beginning again while I also work hard to gain excellence in the art I've practiced for 25 years.
There is nothing like being a beginner, it's a gift, one I didn't recognise in my early training days.
I can vividly remember my frustration as a beginner in TKD, I was in such a rush to learn everything and became so frustrated with myself when I made mistakes; a true perfectionist I wanted to perfect the art and quickly!!
The minute I had my new belt I was begging to learn my next pattern and would often learn the whole thing the same day as grading!!
It's so very true that Black Belt is where the training wheels come off, where you move from learning the basics to disciplining yourself to achieve excellence in even the most basic of techniques.
In fact achieving a high level of excellence in the basics is what helps shape a highly skilled Martial Artist.
As the stripes have accumulated on my black belt, 2, 3, 4 and then 5, it has become increasingly clear that there is so much for me to learn, both on and off the mat.
I now look back at the thoughts running through my head at the achievement of my Black Belt and am pretty horrified to think I'd achieved excellence!
I had mistaken excellent technique for knowledge, just like a kid learns the alphabet by rote, I had mostly learned the techniques by rote although I did ask a million questions every time I learned something new!
Hearing an explanation and UNDERSTANDING it fully are two different things :-)
As I begin my training for 6th I'm humbled and am thirsty for knowledge and more thirsty than ever for excellence.
Learning a 2nd Martial Art has been something I've attempted a number of times but haven't ever found the right one or the right time.
I did really love the 8 months training I had in ninjitsu in the late 90's, it was such a different style to TKD, the stances challenged me, the intricacy of the techniques challenged, the closeness to my opponent challenged me even more but I really loved learning something new and I soaked up every second of it.
What appeals to me about Aikido is the throwing aspect and from a logistical point of view I know I'll be able to train a minimum of twice a week and maybe 3 times and I know I'll need that to feel I'm getting somewhere.
Mr Chang was a Judo Olympian as well as being a TKD Master and before we were eligible to grade for 1st Dan we were expected to attend Judo classes regularly, while I wasn't a huge fan of the close contact (I love my striking arts) I LOVED the throwing and got quite good at it. I know Aikido is a different style but the throwing is something I know I'll love.
So my fingers and toes are crossed that this school is a good fit.
On top of TKD and Aikido I'm following Erin Sterns program that I spoke about HERE
I tested the program this week and I LOVE IT!!
I do need to add hot yoga to my training but that will have to wait another week!
My body is feeling pretty good, I'll have to curb my enthusiasm this coming week so I don't hurt myself before I even get off the starting blocks, it would be nice if my body could keep up with my brain!!!
