Feeling inspired.
Yesterday was such a great start to the week.
I ran my daily Facebook LIVE for my Facebook Group ladies at 7am and by the time I'd finished the sun was up and the sky was blue so I rugged up until I resembled something like the Michelin Man and walked along the beach for an hour and 15 minutes.
It was so nice to be outside and to see blue skies even if it was freezing! As I walked I listened to The Science Of Getting Rich on Audible and was once again struck by how simple the principles are and how second nature they are to me these days.
I can remember when I was first introduced to Self-Improvement books and CD's by my ex, I lived by the quote "Conceive, Believe, Achieve", I soaked up the classics "Think and Grow Rich" etc and found mu way to Tony Robins.
In fact I stumbled across Tony Robbins 30 Day Program at the worst possible time in my life, I had been separated from my ex for a while but had discovered I was pregnant with Chloe after I left so I was single mum to a 2.5 year old boy with loads of energy and a 6 week old baby PLUS a taekwondo school to run...all on my own with very little support except for a wonderful woman called Carolyn who became my good friend, babysitter and sanity keeper!
To top it all off I had accidentally set fire to my kitchen (not enough sleep, too much to do!) and the insurance company had put us up in a lovely little unit across from the beach, however no yard and stairs made managing my energetic boy a bit of a nightmare smack in the middle of winter!
I was breast feeding early one morning and the Tony Robbins infomercial came on, I had NO money at all but something told me I needed to invest in the program.
The CD's (yup, old school!) arrived the day I moved back into my home.
Every morning I was awake and at the kitchen table by 5am so I could complete the lessons before the kids woke up.
That 30 days changed my life and the path I am still on was set during that 30 days.
I'll never tire of reading or listening to books I've read 20 times and now I'm listening to them I'm often picking up things I'd skipped over when I read them.
Highly recommend daily walks listening to stuff that grows your brain cells :-)
From my walk I headed straight to the gym and really enjoyed my back workout,usually the bodypart I like to work the least.
From there I came home and hit my desk for a few hours creating content for my Kickass Academy Online Program and writing up emails for my upcoming launch.
It felt like a super productive day.
I knocked off around 4 then spent some time with Dave before heading to my first Aikido Class last night.
I really enjoyed the class and the longer I was there the more it was dawning on me just how good this art will be for me.
It's gentle and soft and will require me to put aside my competitive nature and that can only be a good thing!
I also soaked up being a brand new beginner, I had zero idea about what I was walking into or what would be required of me but I had an open mind from the beginning and the class and the instructor was better than I'd anticipated.
I felt welcome, I felt I learned some great things and developed some understanding of the art and its philosophies and I'm excited to see myself improve over the coming weeks and months.
This is going to be the perfect art to balance out my TKD training.
Speaking of which...this morning I'll be attending my first class with Con and my new training buddy Mark at Fusion. Can't wait to get that underway as well!
What a week I'm having :-)

I ran my daily Facebook LIVE for my Facebook Group ladies at 7am and by the time I'd finished the sun was up and the sky was blue so I rugged up until I resembled something like the Michelin Man and walked along the beach for an hour and 15 minutes.
It was so nice to be outside and to see blue skies even if it was freezing! As I walked I listened to The Science Of Getting Rich on Audible and was once again struck by how simple the principles are and how second nature they are to me these days.
I can remember when I was first introduced to Self-Improvement books and CD's by my ex, I lived by the quote "Conceive, Believe, Achieve", I soaked up the classics "Think and Grow Rich" etc and found mu way to Tony Robins.
In fact I stumbled across Tony Robbins 30 Day Program at the worst possible time in my life, I had been separated from my ex for a while but had discovered I was pregnant with Chloe after I left so I was single mum to a 2.5 year old boy with loads of energy and a 6 week old baby PLUS a taekwondo school to run...all on my own with very little support except for a wonderful woman called Carolyn who became my good friend, babysitter and sanity keeper!
To top it all off I had accidentally set fire to my kitchen (not enough sleep, too much to do!) and the insurance company had put us up in a lovely little unit across from the beach, however no yard and stairs made managing my energetic boy a bit of a nightmare smack in the middle of winter!
I was breast feeding early one morning and the Tony Robbins infomercial came on, I had NO money at all but something told me I needed to invest in the program.
The CD's (yup, old school!) arrived the day I moved back into my home.
Every morning I was awake and at the kitchen table by 5am so I could complete the lessons before the kids woke up.
That 30 days changed my life and the path I am still on was set during that 30 days.
I'll never tire of reading or listening to books I've read 20 times and now I'm listening to them I'm often picking up things I'd skipped over when I read them.
Highly recommend daily walks listening to stuff that grows your brain cells :-)
From my walk I headed straight to the gym and really enjoyed my back workout,usually the bodypart I like to work the least.
From there I came home and hit my desk for a few hours creating content for my Kickass Academy Online Program and writing up emails for my upcoming launch.
It felt like a super productive day.
I knocked off around 4 then spent some time with Dave before heading to my first Aikido Class last night.
I really enjoyed the class and the longer I was there the more it was dawning on me just how good this art will be for me.
It's gentle and soft and will require me to put aside my competitive nature and that can only be a good thing!
I also soaked up being a brand new beginner, I had zero idea about what I was walking into or what would be required of me but I had an open mind from the beginning and the class and the instructor was better than I'd anticipated.
I felt welcome, I felt I learned some great things and developed some understanding of the art and its philosophies and I'm excited to see myself improve over the coming weeks and months.
This is going to be the perfect art to balance out my TKD training.
Speaking of which...this morning I'll be attending my first class with Con and my new training buddy Mark at Fusion. Can't wait to get that underway as well!
What a week I'm having :-)
