Sad about my lost technique.
Today I did yesterdays Get Commando Fit workout (will do today's tomorrow) and then spent some time on my poomse (patterns) and OMG it's really dawning on me just how much my hip surgery has impacted my kicking.
I did notice it on the bag and as my hips got tighter it became worse.
Really, really, really sucks to feel like a beginner trying to work out how to get my body to move correctly, definitely not something I'm used to.
I noticed when I was performing my front kicks during my poomse practice that I'm doing this weird hitching thing and brining my hip up when I kick, I'm doing it in my roundhouse kicks too, it feels very weird and as though I'm in someone else's body!
The thing is I can't even work out how to fix it!! Usually I can look at my technique and know exactly what I need to do to correct but this has me stumped. It will be some by product of the surgery and the fact I wasn't allowed to stretch for 12 months while my lig-terres tendon scarred up, I think I'll need to find myself a movement specialist who has experience in MA to try to work out what the hell is going on!!
Anyhoo not much to report really, I ran my Mastermind all day yesterday so no training.
Get Commando Fit Workout
Poomse 20 minutes.
Dave made me a coffee (flat white in a mug) in bed this morning as he does every weekend day :-)
2 eggs, 4 big brown mushrooms, organic salted butter and 2 eggs.
1 tbsp peanut butter.
Post workout protein shake in water.
Sealord Wholemeal Crumbed, Oven Baked Hoke & Salad.
Around 1200 cal all up, not much of an appetite today.

I did notice it on the bag and as my hips got tighter it became worse.
Really, really, really sucks to feel like a beginner trying to work out how to get my body to move correctly, definitely not something I'm used to.
I noticed when I was performing my front kicks during my poomse practice that I'm doing this weird hitching thing and brining my hip up when I kick, I'm doing it in my roundhouse kicks too, it feels very weird and as though I'm in someone else's body!
The thing is I can't even work out how to fix it!! Usually I can look at my technique and know exactly what I need to do to correct but this has me stumped. It will be some by product of the surgery and the fact I wasn't allowed to stretch for 12 months while my lig-terres tendon scarred up, I think I'll need to find myself a movement specialist who has experience in MA to try to work out what the hell is going on!!
Anyhoo not much to report really, I ran my Mastermind all day yesterday so no training.
Get Commando Fit Workout
Poomse 20 minutes.
Dave made me a coffee (flat white in a mug) in bed this morning as he does every weekend day :-)
2 eggs, 4 big brown mushrooms, organic salted butter and 2 eggs.
1 tbsp peanut butter.
Post workout protein shake in water.
Sealord Wholemeal Crumbed, Oven Baked Hoke & Salad.
Around 1200 cal all up, not much of an appetite today.
