Results after 11 days of Bio-signature Modulation and 1 month post-op.

Friday I had my stats measured again and I'm happy to say that despite only 11 days on the program, training at 1/4 capacity AND aside from my allowed treat meal had one whole day where I ate out for breaky, lunch (with wine) and dinner and also snuck in 2 full cream milk coffees and 2 lindt balls and another glass of wine into the mix I still managed to drop 1.2kg and 1.3% bodyfat.

Happy Days!!!

There were also many days I didn't walk as I had planned to because I was too sore and I only managed 2 (allowed) leg sessions each week when I really wanted to get 3 of those in.

Just goes to show what magic you can work with nutrition.

I felt fantastic on the program for the first 2 weeks, didn't miss carbs at all,  had plenty of energy, zero mood swings or foggy head. The high fat, high protein, low carbs seems to agree with me.

This next phase my weights turn to super-setting (thank god!) and we up my carbs from 30g to around 100g, fats 55g and protein 125g.

My meal plan for the next 2 weeks looks like this:

Meal 1:  Protein shake with water and coconut oil.

Meal 2: Protein shake with water and 30g almonds (I'm training in the am and this is my post workout meal).

Meal 3: Chicken thigh, salad with fetta.

Meal 4: 1 banana and 1 apple

Meal 5: Red meat, greens and white potato with butter.

No more steak for breaky :-)))

My training will be 3 upper body sessions, 3 lower body sessions and I'll aim to do some form of cardio (I'm allowed on the eliptical and spin bike now if I take it easy) for 20-30 minutes along with my weights.

Friday night I went out for drinks with the girls and Saturday was my sisters wedding.
I trained both days and ate to plan aside from when I was out but after those 2 days back to back today I was keen to nail my nutrition.

Last night I came down with a sore throat and the aches and when I woke up this morning I didn't feel too flash so I've had a day of R & R hoping to get on top of it so I wake up feeling better tomorrow so I can hit the gym first up.

With results like the ones I came away with in only 11 days I'm spurned on to get an even better result next time round, now I can use the eliptical I'll be able to work a little harder with my cardio and finally be able to get a sweat up!!

I've been doing my physio each day and doing my best not to overdo it and while I'm still in pain most days I know it can't last forever and is just a by-product of the surgery.

Feels awesome to feel lean again and know I'm headed in the right direction.

I'm planning on heading back to Thailand to train on the 18th or 19th of September - can't wait!!
