
My digital program
Slightly fired up!!

I finally got the first lesson of my first module recorded.

Being the perfectionist I am when it comes to this stuff it took me AGES!!! But it's done and done is GOOD!

I've still got about 24 lessons to record but that's ok, starting was the hurdle with all of the distractions I have had going on.

Feeling MUCH relief right now!

Loooooving my training right now.
Having Tiger on the horizon again is a good motivator as well.
Tomorrow I'm going to head to a MA School close by and try their Kickboxing Class and if its good will add a couple of those classes to my training week.

The 12wbt workouts are good, nice variety and giving me what I need and I also like having something to follow so I don't have to put too much thought into it before I hit the gym.

I'm recording my training and nutrition using Jefit and you can find my logs HERE. You can access a free membership while you are there if you like it.

I haven't been having my green smoothies for a couple of weeks but I'm back on it today.

Todays version:
Coconut Water

I'm also drinking green tea with fresh mint while I'm at my desk. Not a huge fan of green tea hot but the mint makes it bearable.

My nutrition has been spot on and I'm feeling very focused, didn't think I had the fire in the belly but what do you know....its kicked in :-)

Slight change of plan on the accommodation front.
Wendy's keen to stay away from the training camp and we've found somewhere with a pool and that will help with recovery so we will now stay there.
We are pretty much booked now, training is booked, accommodation is sorted and now we just need to book our flights.
A quick decision is a good decision :-)

I'm running pre-grading at PUSH all week ahead of our grading on Saturday and as expected the nerves are out in full force with lots of stuff forgotten under pressure but this is why we run pre-grading so we can smooth all of that stuff out ahead of time so that by the time grading day comes the students are good to go.

One of my ladies posted on facebook last night "pre-grading week, otherwise known as the week I forget everything I've learned the past 10 weeks". Its funny because it's true :-)
The lower belts really struggle with the pressure and the ones grading for Black, the rest have a respite in between the two. They still have nerves but not to the same extent.

Anyway it's been an awesome week so far and lots to look forward to for the rest of it.

Take care everyone,
Michelle x
