Craving Change......
Do you ever times in your life when you just feel like you need to shake things up a little?
That's me right now!
My idea of "routine" is pretty loose but it's still routine.
Wake up around 5.30, head to my office to answer emails, make coffee and head back to bed with my laptop to do my social media thing then head out for my walk or run, breaky, shower, gym.
The middle of my day varies depending what I have on then late in the afternoon I head off to teach my classes and I'm home between 8 and 8.30pm. Dave has dinner ready so we eat pretty much as soon as I get home and we head to bed around 9.30pm.
Its a great routine, it works well for me and leaves room for changing things up during the day.
Monday through Thursday are full on, Friday I take my foot off the pedal and I have no classes to teach at night so it feels like the weekend, I pretty much have a 3 day weekend if I'm not running my HMAE program on a Friday.
Nothing there I want to change.
But......I'm craving change somewhere and after having a good old think about it I'm pretty sure the change I need is both in my training and in connecting more with like minds in business.
I've been training at Goodlife at Fountain Gate and while I loved this for ages the last few weeks I've been feeling restless and my workouts aren't as solid as I'd like. I needed an injection of something to shake things up so this is what I did....
I signed up for a weeks trial at a new gym that is just around the corner and I think I like it. It doesn't have all of the bells and whistles my current gym has but its literally 3 minutes from my front door. If I want to train twice a day I can, if I want to be there and back in an hour I can....I'm seriously thinking about it. The downside is that Wendy and I won't be able to train together anymore but as we are both going to be flat out this year there is a good chance this would be hit or miss in the coming months anyway.
I also signed up for Michelle Bridges 12wbt, not something I thought I would ever do but it serves 2 purposes. The first is that I like the idea of following something I didn't write myself and I'll adjust the meal plan so I'm not starving myself! The second is it counts as research for the program I am currently developing. Her program is super popular so why not learn from what she has done well.
The program doesn't start until mid March but knowing that is coming in just a few weeks is a good focus.
I'm keen to work big muscle groups in a killer program I've used time and time again with good results.
These pics are after doing that program for 6 weeks.
It hurts a lot and I dread doing it every day but with results like that you can suck it up and get it done although I'm not looking to be that cut this time around, it's not a look I'm as keen on these days.
Its basically the same 6 exercises 5 days a week with a slight rep / set variation from day to day.
I'll hit that for 4 weeks and then be ready for some variation and from what I hear there is plenty of that on the 12wbt.
The other area requiring a shake up is in my business life.
Being busy I put off making the trek into Melb to hang out with people from my business group.
These pics are after doing that program for 6 weeks.
It hurts a lot and I dread doing it every day but with results like that you can suck it up and get it done although I'm not looking to be that cut this time around, it's not a look I'm as keen on these days.
Its basically the same 6 exercises 5 days a week with a slight rep / set variation from day to day.
I'll hit that for 4 weeks and then be ready for some variation and from what I hear there is plenty of that on the 12wbt.
The other area requiring a shake up is in my business life.

This past week I've been into the CBD twice to attend events and the benefit of being around these guys outweighs the time away from my desk.
I've signed up for a 6 month program with my Alumni Group and each month for 6 months we will spend the day Making Sh!t Happen.
We have the privilege of gaining access to an amazing business program that costs $25,000. Our alumni have been able to negotiate and as a group we can access it for much, much less. It is super high level stuff and has elevated all of our thinking from day 1. I can't wait to see where I am 6 months from now and and also to reconnecting with the guys in the group.
Its going to be an exciting year in business that's for sure!
Health issues with my child are ongoing and its a roller coaster ride of emotions from day to day but I'm staying positive and working hard to stay in the moment; this helps a lot.
Now there is a photo for AMAHOF
Well Done
Master Paul