It's on like Donkey Kong....
I've spent the last couple of weeks relaxing and enjoying being in our new home, ticking along setting up my office and getting things sorted. Dave's had time off as well so we have been able to spend some good time together as we settle in.
Today I kicked with fresh legs, the training program I'm on right now is full-on but I'm not pulling up too sore and kicking with fresh legs is sooo much more enjoyable than what I have been doing for as long as I can remember now.
Meet Wendy at the gym a little after 9 to train weights for an hour or so.
Create slides for HMAE Webinar running on Tuesday.
Check in with my team to see how the promotional pages for HMAE's next live event, launch of the online version of the program and website packages (new addition in 2014) are going.
Planning for term 1 at PUSH and our Goal Planning Event on the 13th Jan.
Following up on a website I'm having built for a client.
Spend time researching where to have my new photo's taken for the website.
Plus the usual answering of emails and phone calls and lunch at my desk.
After that I'll be calling it a day and should be done by 2pm at the latest.
I'm super efficient and I get a lot done in a short amount of time and this year I refuse to get caught up in being busy for the sake of being busy.
I hope you are aiming high in 2014 and making some good progress in these early days of the year.
Michelle x
No classes to teach and minimal work to do (by design). It has been awesome!
BUT......I am so pumped to get back to work!
This year I have some MASSIVE business goals and one of them is launching a Martial Arts based Workout Program for women (online of course!).
I have been playing around with this idea FOREVER but now I have the time and the energy to put towards it and I'm excited to get it launched by March.
Today I went to PUSH (my dojang) to do some training and to have a play with some workout ideas I have for the program and while I was there I took some progress shots; I'll be shooting the videos for the program baring a bit of skin and I ain't doing that until I'm CUT!
I'm pretty happy with the size of my upper body, my legs definitely need work and I didn't show you my abs (or lack of) for a very good reason!
I don't want to build my upper body much more but will start adding some extra leg sessions and work on losing the extra layer around my midsection.
In the past I would have said I was going to smash myself to do it but no more.

I've been having my green shakes everyday and I am definitely feeling the benefits in my recovery and my training sessions.
Tomorrow I will get back into my office and officially kick off the working year.
Tomorrow looks like this:
Early morning 5k run / walk.
Write blog / social media posts for PUSH & HMAE.
Drop promo material into Lorna Jane Store at Fountain Gate (we are doing a cross promo with LJ for 2 weeks).
Meet Wendy at the gym a little after 9 to train weights for an hour or so.
Create slides for HMAE Webinar running on Tuesday.
Check in with my team to see how the promotional pages for HMAE's next live event, launch of the online version of the program and website packages (new addition in 2014) are going.
Planning for term 1 at PUSH and our Goal Planning Event on the 13th Jan.
Following up on a website I'm having built for a client.
Spend time researching where to have my new photo's taken for the website.
Plus the usual answering of emails and phone calls and lunch at my desk.
After that I'll be calling it a day and should be done by 2pm at the latest.
I'm super efficient and I get a lot done in a short amount of time and this year I refuse to get caught up in being busy for the sake of being busy.
I hope you are aiming high in 2014 and making some good progress in these early days of the year.
Michelle x