Law of attraction at work...
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I went back to physio yesterday and Andrew is now saying this is an 8 week injury as far as TKD goes. Normally I get better news not worse (!!!) but I know I have really hurt it, there is a bunch of bruising and
swelling at the site of the tear which isn't that common so a good indicator of some decent damage.
I can walk now without crutches which is a godsend but I still have to be careful.
I can run as soon as I can hop about 15 hops in a row on my injured calf, think that is a way off somehow but today I managed some small calf raises without pain, still not much range but I'm stretching lots and wearing compression on it 24/7.
Normally I'm fairly pig headed about pushing on regardless but this time I'm just too sore and scared of the repercussions if I do so I'm being a good girl and doing as I'm told for a change.
Tomorrow I'll hit the gym and try to get a few swims in later in the week or early next week when I'm a few more days down the recovery track.
I know when I did a lot of swimming my calves used to get tight so I think for now even that will be too much. No spin bike either and can only walk for 10min so cardio is pretty much off the menu for the next little bit.
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With that in mind I decided that today I would dedicate time to revisiting the Law of Attraction by watching the movie The Secret and purchasing and reading some kindle books on the subject.
I had forgotten how simple and amazing the Law of Attraction is and I'm glad I took the time to "do my homework".
I'm not the sort of person who is into anything too out there or woo woo as my buddies in KPI and I call it and at times I have found myself feeling a bit weird using words like "manifesting" and "universe" but this stuff works!!
It comes back to what I already know and that is you get what you focus on and thoughts become things.
If you focus on what you don't want, you get what you don't want.
Focus on what you do want and that is what you get.
The Law of Attraction is centred around 3 simple steps:
This is your job and you need to do it well, you can't be wishy washy.
Be crystal clear about what you want and ask for it and don't be concerned with how it will show up.
This is the job of the universe.
Once you ask and put your desire out there the universe starts to create a set of circumstances and actions to make it come into being.
This is your job.
You need to bring yourself into alignment with what you want to attract what you want.
If you focus on what you don't want or are constantly in a state of unhappiness it won't happen.
Generating feelings of enthusiasm, joy, gratitude and passion each day (for what you want in your life) will help you attract the things and experiences you want.
Giving undivided attention to what you do want can only be a good thing so why not do it?
Over the last 8 days I have been playing with attracting small things just to test the theory.
Here are some of the things I have manifested in the last 8 days:
I got crystal clear clarity on the direction of PUSH and decided I will not take on any more kids under 13 and will now only teach adults and teens and I manifested a "test" when a child came along who wanted to begin training and I was able to tell the parent I wasn't taking on kids anymore. It felt weird but really awesome to say it out loud and after that everything has started to fall into place.
I put out to the universe the number of students I wanted signed up to my beginner program and got the exact amount.
Each day I am putting out how many potential students I want to contact me and make enquires for classes and I have pretty much had the exact number I asked for each day or more.
I manifested an extra $1,000 this week.
Chris put his name down for a bunch of overtime shifts (he is a paramedic) over the next 5 days and yesterday we tentatively said we would go out to dinner if he didn't get a shift so all day I kept sending out to the universe that he get a shift this morning rather than last night. Saturdays nights there are almost always shifts because this is the night people want to take off so I didn't like my chances but it worked, no shift came up last night and instead he picked up an extra day shift today and the result was we got to spend some really good time together.
I asked for deeper connections and conversations and have had 3 this week that just blew my mind and reaffirmed I am on the right path both in business and in life.
Next week I'm going to step it up and start asking for more, apparently in the realm of the universe size doesn't matter :-) You can ask for $100 or $1,000.000 and it acts in the same way.
It does feel a bit woo woo but when I bring it back to what it is really about and that is focusing 100% on what you want gets results it loses its woo woo factor.
I'm looking forward to seeing what next week brings...