Too much information??.....

This is a blog written for women so if you are a man who has stumbled upon my blog you might want to look away now ......

Might even be too much information for some of you ladies but at the risk of over sharing here it is.

So... last week I wrote about the fact I had raging PMT and was just counting down the hours till D Day arrived and I could get on with the business of being a normal, rational woman.

The last 3 years I have been as regular as clockwork but this month I'm 8 days late - so this roughly translates to 13 days of PMT!!

It's hell!!

It's not what you are thinking either...definitely NOT pregnant, not even the slightest chance and despite my partners helpful suggestion this may be the onset of menopause (yes, he is nothing if not brave) it is not indeed menopause.

Other than being slightly (said partner might disagree with slightly) more irritable than usual the part that is doing my head in is the bloating, the backache and the constant cravings for sugar for close to 2 weeks!!

Above all of that I'm annoyed at the way intense training went in a holding pattern while I awaited 'the arrival" because I usually give myself a day or two of easier training if I feel I need it in the first couple of days. I don't always have to do this it it doesn't bother me too much if I have to, I just see it as the opportunity to let my body recover a bit, a bit of forced recovery I guess.

So the frustration is I feel as though I'm a week behind because every day I've felt it is going to be "the day" and I've felt rotten and 2 weeks of feeling fat have finally gotten to me!

I decided to train yesterday and take today as a rest day so I could get some work done without any interruption and after 3 days of that weights program back to back along with some taekwondo training thrown in my body no doubt will love me tomorrow.

As an aside I am loving the weights program I am on and love the fact I can do it 3 days in a row if I have to but I did notice that while I felt fresh the first 2 days yesterday was a struggle and I think this is going to be key, smashing out that 3rd session to force some progress so here is what I plan for this week.

MONDAY: Today - rest
TUESDAY: 2 x 1hr of Taekwondo
WEDNESDAY: Pyramid Run plus Weights.
THURSDAY: 2 X 1hr Taekwondo
FRIDAY: Intervals plus Weights.
SATURDAY: 1hr Taekwondo plus Weights.
SUNDAY: Intervals plus Weights.

I'll probably also throw in a plyo circuit at the end of some of the weights workouts and maybe even on a tkd day.

I'm liking Monday as a rest day because it means a day at my desk without interruption as I don't have morning classes to teach so I'll stick with this for now.

So everyone keep your fingers crossed my hell ends tomorrow and I can stop getting around feeling like the Michelin Man!

Until next time...

M x
