A little "aha" moment
Had a bit of an "aha" moment earlier.
I was at physio having a whinge about how slow my progress is (it isn't) and that I wanted to be kicking and that when I try to kick it hurts. After freaking out I was even trying Andrew broke it down for me and explained why I can't be kicking yet and that I am in fact well ahead of schedule.
I am frustrated because I have had some hip pain that feels a bit like the old pain but he says it is normal and nothing to worry about so that is a HUGE relief because I was a bit worried.
I can start to run on Monday (hallelujah!!) so I am rapt about that.
Anyway in the session Andrew had me doing some different exercises for getting me ready to kick again (still weeks away) and he was impressed I could do them well quickly.
He must have known I was feeling pretty flat about the whole thing because as I was leaving he came out and said to me "you just did 2 weeks work in 5 minutes, those exercises take some people a month and in 5 minutes you progressed 2 weeks, stop being so hard on yourself".
It was just what I needed to start to feel good about my recovery and it reminded me of something...
At school I was the kid who got picked last in sport because I was so uncoordinated, I was the kid who always had a note for sport when it was a team sport because I was so crap at whatever we were doing in sport and I knew I wouldn't be picked, I couldn't swim, I couldn't play ball sports (bad eyesight) and I couldn't distance run but I could hurdle and sprint and did those when I couldn't get out of it.
I had actually forgotten how unathletic (I know I am inventing words but let's just go with it) I was.
The saddest part was I really, really wanted to be good at sport, I wanted to be able to run and be good at something and I wanted to look athletic even in primary school.
Today was just a reminder that now I am highly competent at whatever sport or activity I try and I had forgotten how hard I had to work to get there.
I have been taking for granted my ability to do most things well even when I haven't tried it before.
It was nice to be reminded that I'm not a natural and that it all came from hard work and perseverance.
So...I guess the takeaway is that if I could train my body to look athletic and be athletic anyone can.
If you are up against it with your training and your body keep at it because nothing beats hard work, dedication, perseverance and most importantly the willingness to stick at it until you succeed.
I have had some good wins in my life but feeling competent as an athlete is one of the things I rate highly because it translates so well into the rest of my life and gives me the confidence to try and do so many new things.
Would love to hear your stories.
M xx