Mindset for grinding out a tough training session.

Today’s training session was tough, not because the workout was particularly tough but because it was “one of those days”.

Tired and sore body from training, not enough sleep, underdid my nutrition and my head just wasn’t in the game.

I finished my weight circuit and it was an absolute grind from start to finish but I got it done so felt reasonably happy I was able to tick that box.

Next I had 30 minutes of standing hill repeats on the spin bike.

I had to wrestle with myself not to walk straight out the front door of the gym and into to my car!

Luckily I know myself too well and knew it would hurt less to get it done that it would to kick my own butt for the rest of the day for not doing it so my was made up “I was doing it” but I knew from past experience it would not be much fun if I couldn’t “switch on”.

It was tough from the first interval, my legs were already smashed from the weights and there was not a lot in the tank but on a normal day this is what drives me, the difference today was my mindset.

I forced myself into the zone and about half way through the session when I was struggling I noticed the conversation I was having with myself.

It went something like this…

“Ok, it’s only 1 minute and really the first 20 seconds isn’t that hard, the next 20 seconds after that is harder but I’ve got that too, it really is only the last 20 seconds that hurts and you can do 20 seconds can’t you??’

So in my head the 1 minute interval became 20 seconds and of course I can do 20 seconds!

After I finished all of the intervals I had set myself I got to thinking “given that it really is only the last 20 seconds that hurts I reckon I can do some 30 sec intervals, these will be easy”.

So I pumped them out then did the same for 20 second intervals, then 10 and by the time I had finished I could have gone all day.

For me getting the session done was secondary to being able to turn my mind around and go beyond what I thought I was capable of in that session.

Controlling my mind to go where I want it to go in that moment was a huge win because I wasn’t sure I could go there today.

A great reminder that where you put your mind your body follows.

As always I love you hear your comments.
