3 Things You Need Know About Yourself
There are 3 things you need to know about yourself.
You are capable of far more than you ever dreamed.
You are sitting on a mountain of knowledge and untapped resources.
You alone are driving this bus.
In all of the years I have been in fitness, martial arts and personal development the thing that still surprises me the most is the lack of awareness women have about these 3 things.
Women can almost always see these 3 things in other women (even if they don’t articulate it as such) but rarely see it in themselves.
If you are one of those women then today I want you to take the blinkers off and explore these 3 qualities that lie within you.
Trust me, they do lie within you right now.
How do I know this?
I know this because for over 2 decades I have been working closely with women both in the flesh and online and I have seen first hand, over and over again women transforming their lives by uncovering these hidden gems.
I have seen women’s lives changed forever as they step into their power and own these qualities and make them work for them.
You are capable of far more than you ever dreamed.
There is a certain stunned look on the faces of the women I train and I love it!
It is often followed by the question “You want me to do WHAT?”!!
Rarely can they believe what I am asking of them and immediately the “no way’s“ and “are you kidding me’s” start to flow.
I keep a straight face, smile big and let them know, yep this is what you are going to be doing. The implication is DON’T ARGUE!
Wearing a look of disbelief on their face they get on with the job of doing as I ask.
After the event when I hear “I never, ever thought I would be able to do that” and I am fulfilled.
This is EXACTLY why I do what I do.
And the best bit is that this happens on an almost daily basis.
Every day I get emails from my clients telling me about an achievement they never, ever thought possible before.
Every single day the knowledge that we are all far more capable than we ever dreamed is re-enforced.
Every – Single – Day
So what does that tell you?
What it should tell you is that you are no different from anyone else and that given the right circumstances you too are capable of greater things than you ever imagined.
I have used fitness analogy’s here but I am talking about life in general.
I grew up in domestic violence, finished school at 14 years of age and had a note for every single Phys Ed class the school ran.
Do you think I thought I was capable of much given my circumstances?
Do you think it took a lot of work to get to the place where I thought I could do great things?
Absolutely! It took a lot of work and a long time but now year after year I surpass my own expectations.
Over the years I got good at setting and achieving goals on a regular basis and over time the goals got bigger and bigger and I kept achieving them.
Having someone help you to speed up the process of self-belief is priceless.
I was very lucky to have some key people come into my life and help me to see I was capable of far more than I thought I was and it changed my life forever.
I have also discovered that unfortunately creating unshakable self-belief is not something you can fix once and forget about.
It takes work from time to time but the time you invest in getting yourself to a place of believing you can do anything you set your mind to is never wasted.
You are sitting on a mountain of knowledge and untapped resources.
You don’t get to be the age you are (whatever that is, for me that is 43) and not learn many valuable things.
The trick is to have a process in place to uncover the gems of knowledge, skills and resources you have lying within you.
One way to do that is to ask yourself these questions?
What are the lessons I learned in my greatest periods of personal growth and development?
For example when I was going through a very messy divorce and custody battle I learned that I was extremely resilient and no matter what I do not break.
These qualities help me to help other women to push through and not quit.
What are the things I love to do most in the world? If I could do this all day every day this is what I would do.
What do people thank me for and tell me I am good at?
The next trick is to determine what you want to use these resources for.
Is it for your own personal development?
Is it to develop a business idea?
Is it to help those close to you?
From here you need to decide who would want to use these resources and make the best use of this knowledge?
Is it your friends?
Is it other women going through an experience you yourself went through?
Lastly you need to look at how you can best make use of these assets with regards to the above answers.
When you pull it all together to come up with your unique set of knowledge, resources and skills, who they are intended for and how you will use them you will clearly be able to see you have many, many unique gifts to share with those around you either in a business sense or as a friend or family member.
The best part about this is when you work to help others often this is when you gain the best insight into how YOU can benefit from your own stuff rather than going outside to try and find it.
You alone are driving this bus.
Wherever you are in your life right now is where you have put yourself.
For good or bad you have to own this.
The choices you have made day in day out have either empowered or disempowered you.
Have put you at your idea weight or made you overweight.
Have you feeling confident and excited about what lies ahead or uninspired and feeling powerless.
It can be easy to point the finger at someone else and say “they did this to me” or “it wasn’t my fault” but the truth is you play a role in every outcome you produce in your life.
I know if I am not reaching my highest potential in any area in my life it is because I am making choices that are producing that outcome.
But I also know that I’m the one driving this bus and I can turn it around any damn time I want to.
And so can you.
Remember that you alone have the power to change your life in the most amazing and powerful ways possible.
You determine your future today, right now, in this moment.
So what will you do next?
What is the very next thing you will do to start driving your bus to precisely where you want to be 6 months or 12 months from now?
What decisions do you need to make?
What do you need to stop doing right now?
What do you need to start doing right now?
Today is the day to begin taking massive daily action on the bigger plan for your life.
Drive that bus to a place of achievement of fulfillment, satisfaction and personal pride.
You can only start this particular bus trip if you know exactly where you are going, fuel is expensive, time is short and you don’t want to head off the beaten track, getting bogged down and slow to a stop.
A clear plan of action is crucial so start with your Destination Map.
This is a map that takes you from where you are now to where you want to end up and includes all of the stops along the way.
There are no short cuts on this bus trip and you must go all of the way or it doesn’t count.
I’m going to end this here because you have a lot of work to do today and I don’t want to delay your trip of a lifetime ☺
As always I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear if this is the type of content you want to be hearing from me and also any suggestions you have for anything else you want me to cover.
I am at your service :)
Michelle xx