Taking time to smell the roses.

The weekly routine of training, recovering and eating well becomes a part of life - it is what it is and we don't question it.
The days and weeks and months tick over and we continue to do and do and do and get the job done each day because not doing it isn't an option (at least for any prolonged time)  and sometimes it can take just one thing to make you aware of how lucky you are to be able to have the routine (and the discipline to live it) that we take for granted so much.
Today I had one of those moments.
I was in the gym smashing myself - plyo's, intervals and weights - about 90 minutes worth.
As I was pushing myself through my session I noticed a lady watching me and our eyes met a few times over the session.
I'm not one to talk when I'm in the gym - I get in there, get the job done and get out - so while I smiled at the lady I didn't engage in any conversation.
At the end of my session I was stretching and the lady came over to me.
She was about my age and if I was honest I'd say about 20kg overweight and looked older than her years.
She said to me "You probably noticed me watching you while you were exercising. I just wanted to say I wish I had your energy and passion for exercise. You look like you love it so much. I find it really hard to get myself here regularly - I just don't enjoy it. Anyway I just wanted to say watching you has inspired me to make a bigger effort and train harder than I do.  You looked like you were killing yourself but you also looked like you loved every second of it - I want to be like that!".
That made my day.
It is also a good reminder to you that while you are training hard and getting the job done week after week you are also inspiring others around you.
Not everyone will come up and tell you like this lovely lady did but there is no doubt you will be inspiring someone and someone will be admiring your capacity to live the fitness lifestyle you are living.
Something you are probably taking for granted.
That conversation got me thinking about how very lucky I am to be able to tap into my own resources and find my own motivation to get the job done day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year culminating it a lifestyle where I know I will never, ever have any serious concerns with my weight, health or fitness.
That really isn't something to take for granted and watching someone else struggle with that brought home what a gift that is.
To be honest after I got back from holidays I had so much work to get through that my training took a back seat and those extra kg's from holiday food and wine hung around for a couple of weeks longer than I liked.
But.. and here is the thing I knew what I had to do, I knuckled down and got it done and now I am back to where I was because of my capacity to get the job done when I needed to.
While you may think that the weekly habit of training, eating well and taking good care of your body just is what it is I hope you will take a minute or two to give thanks to whatever it is for you that allows you to get the job done day in day out so you can live a fit, healthy and active life.
As always I love your comments.
M x
