The importance of mixing with like minds..

I love training.
Pretty much any type of training at all.
Most of the time I just get on with the job of training and don't need much to keep me motivated but when I get to catch up with my friends who train as I do I am reminded how awesome it is to be around these people and also how much it does for my passion for training.
Today I caught up with Lisa who is boxing mad and our coffee date hit the 3 and a half hour mark in the blink of an eye.
Lisa and I don't really train together because she is also a PT and is busy with that and her classes and her own training around those classes so juggling the time we are both available is a bit of a nightmare but we have sooo much in common.
I had a moment today at the cafe when Lisa went to the toilet (all the water we drank!) and without trying to I was treated to the conversation of the two women beside me.
It went something like this....
Do you want to go do the shopping?
Yes, will we shop at Woolies or Ritchies?
Hmmm, I think Woolies, they had cheese on sale and I'm running low on cheese.

I had to work hard to keep the grin off my face.
For the last 3hrs Lisa and I had talked without drawing breath about our training, nutrition, different training methods we have been using and have come across in our searches, trading old war stories from the glory days and it just seemed so benign to be talking about the big decision of where to buy cheese!

Reminded me again of what a rare breed we are (and now exciting training makes life) and this no doubt includes you if you are reading this.

The rare breed of a woman in her 40's (or insert your own age) who still has the fire in the belly for training and smashing their body on a regular basis and then talking about it all day long.

I love it!

Cameron is my Martial Arts soul buddy and Friday we spent the day together as we took a day trip so I could check out a supplier Cam uses.
We were in heaven, all day to talk about training, our students, running our respective clubs and getting to play in what we consider a toy store!
6hrs went by in a flash.

2 catch ups like that in 2 weeks has me re-invigorated for my own training and even more willing to push through the tiredness, injury and muscle soreness than usual. Because I know they are doing the same.

I'm not the sort of person who makes friends in the gym.
I go there to train and even if I do a class I'm not one of the clique, I just hang off to the side till class starts, smash myself and go home so I don't have the usual social interaction that a lot of women get at the gym.
I'm not complaining, this is just the way it is, I didn't even really chose it, this is just the way I am and I guess I never really entertained the thought of it as being a social place.
When I am instructing I am focused on my students and clients and while I am friendly it is all about the training so catching up with my buddies like that is a very special treat.

I know a lot of women who are the odd one out in their family or circle of friends because they train and their friends just don't get it and it can be very lonely at times when you feel no-one quite gets you and you can't talk about what you love because they aren't interested or it makes them feel uncomfortable.

For those of you in that boat it is crucial you find someone who has similar goals to you to spend time with.
You don't have to train with that person but to be able to hang out for an hour or two is priceless for you both.
It helps you tap into that side of yourself that is the true you, the person you really want to be and know you have this in common with someone else.

I have said it before but sometimes it is the small things that keep the juice of life flowing - you don't necessarily need this but when you have it is a precious gift.

Would love to hear about your training soul buddies so please share...
