Time to start thinking about your goals for 2012
It is coming up to my favourite part of the year - GOAL SETTING TIME!
I have already begun a list of potential goals for 2012 and am starting to feel excited about it all before the year has even started!
In a previous post I mentioned that as the year gets closer it is important not to shelve goals and plans for the remainder of the year as there is still plenty of juice in the year we have.
I still stand by that and now you will have a clearer picture of where you will be as you head into 2012 so you can use that information to help you set your new goals or the next phase of your current goals.
I am sure you all know by now the S.M.A.R.T Method of setting goals, it has been done to death so I'm not going to revisit that instead I want to urge you to THINK BIG for next year.
This morning I was reading my journal from the beginning of this year and my Taekwondo School was just an idea.
Now less than a year later it is very much a reality and it has changed my life for the better in every way.
Not sure how I will top that in 2012 but I'm working on it :)
Some of my bigger goals for 2012 revolve around taekwondo and my own development in it.
My 6th dan grading is still 4.5 years away which seems like a long time but there is so much I need to do before then.
1: Head to Korea and do my Kukkiwon International Instructor Certification in June.
2: Get my hip surgery done and recover in 3 days or less (kidding - well sort of!).
3: Begin training regularly with a Korean Master.
4: Get my PUSH students competing regularly at State / National Comps.
These are just one area of life obviously but even this one section of my life will be very much improved by ticking the boxes on these goals.
No running or triathlon goals for 2012 - I have learned my lesson the hard way. My body doesn't like it so instead I will focus my training around Taekwondo and Mastering the Martial Art I love so much.
There is always something to learn, something to improve. This is one of the reasons I love it so much.
If you haven't already then it is time to start thinking about what you plan to work towards in 2012.
I'd love to hear about your own goals if you wish to share :)
Michelle x
I have already begun a list of potential goals for 2012 and am starting to feel excited about it all before the year has even started!
In a previous post I mentioned that as the year gets closer it is important not to shelve goals and plans for the remainder of the year as there is still plenty of juice in the year we have.
I still stand by that and now you will have a clearer picture of where you will be as you head into 2012 so you can use that information to help you set your new goals or the next phase of your current goals.
I am sure you all know by now the S.M.A.R.T Method of setting goals, it has been done to death so I'm not going to revisit that instead I want to urge you to THINK BIG for next year.
This morning I was reading my journal from the beginning of this year and my Taekwondo School was just an idea.
Now less than a year later it is very much a reality and it has changed my life for the better in every way.
Not sure how I will top that in 2012 but I'm working on it :)
Some of my bigger goals for 2012 revolve around taekwondo and my own development in it.
My 6th dan grading is still 4.5 years away which seems like a long time but there is so much I need to do before then.
1: Head to Korea and do my Kukkiwon International Instructor Certification in June.
2: Get my hip surgery done and recover in 3 days or less (kidding - well sort of!).
3: Begin training regularly with a Korean Master.
4: Get my PUSH students competing regularly at State / National Comps.
These are just one area of life obviously but even this one section of my life will be very much improved by ticking the boxes on these goals.
No running or triathlon goals for 2012 - I have learned my lesson the hard way. My body doesn't like it so instead I will focus my training around Taekwondo and Mastering the Martial Art I love so much.
There is always something to learn, something to improve. This is one of the reasons I love it so much.
If you haven't already then it is time to start thinking about what you plan to work towards in 2012.
I'd love to hear about your own goals if you wish to share :)
Michelle x