Struggling through my injury with my brain still in tact!
Going on 2 months now without any cardio AT ALL (well apart from the odd session where I go for it and pay for it with massive amounts of pain!) and no lower body weights.
Kill me now!!
The only thing good to come from this is:
A: My upper body is finally developing
B: I haven't stacked on the weight I thought I would have by now
C: My diet is EXCELLENT because of the fear for B!
D: I have a lot more time on my hands although that could also be seen as a downside!!
E: I have been able to wear normal clothes a lot more :)
The downside is:
A: My motivation for other stuff is low because I don't have the same juice in life I have when I train hard and often.
B: I really don't enjoy feeling like a hypocrite when I am pushing people to smash themselves for me in class and online when I am not doing it myself - I really really hate that.
I like to walk my talk, lead by example, work harder than I make my clients / students work etc etc and when I don't it makes me question my right to make others do it (they wouldn't know it though :) ).
C: My aweseome fitness level that I worked so so hard to attain is now all but gone (although my mind is still gritty and I know that will get me through).
So what am I doing to cope??
I am eating well and using the time to get some bigger projects out of the way.
I am convincing myself about how fun it will be to build up my fitness from zero and watch the process (I know pathetic the straws I am clinging too).
I am telling myself that the time I am putting in now in recovery will mean I have less chance of another flare up sooner rather than later with the vague hope of staying in good working order till surgery next year.
I'm pretty much doing whatever I can to stay positive and feel in some sort of control of what is going on.
I saw my physio Wednesday and thought I for sure he would say I could start running again but nope - don't see him till next Friday and nothing, not even eliptical or bike (it is the loading not the impact that causes me problems) so I'm pretty well screwed for another week.
The plan then is to sit down with him and write up a progressive plan ( I know!! What the?? My usual approach is party when I feel good and moan and groan the rest of the time - clearly NOT working!) that will have me build up over time without sending me backwards at a screaming rate of knots.
I'd kill for a 20 minute easy jog right now!!!
So I'm off to the gym to lift weights AGAIN and then head for my barely earned massage thanking the stars that there is not an extra kg or 2 for Sam to massage!!
Any sympathy you wish to shower on me is most appreciated :)
Have an awesome weekend (training no doubt!!)
Michelle x
Kill me now!!
The only thing good to come from this is:
A: My upper body is finally developing
B: I haven't stacked on the weight I thought I would have by now
C: My diet is EXCELLENT because of the fear for B!
D: I have a lot more time on my hands although that could also be seen as a downside!!
E: I have been able to wear normal clothes a lot more :)
The downside is:
A: My motivation for other stuff is low because I don't have the same juice in life I have when I train hard and often.
B: I really don't enjoy feeling like a hypocrite when I am pushing people to smash themselves for me in class and online when I am not doing it myself - I really really hate that.
I like to walk my talk, lead by example, work harder than I make my clients / students work etc etc and when I don't it makes me question my right to make others do it (they wouldn't know it though :) ).
C: My aweseome fitness level that I worked so so hard to attain is now all but gone (although my mind is still gritty and I know that will get me through).
So what am I doing to cope??
I am eating well and using the time to get some bigger projects out of the way.
I am convincing myself about how fun it will be to build up my fitness from zero and watch the process (I know pathetic the straws I am clinging too).
I am telling myself that the time I am putting in now in recovery will mean I have less chance of another flare up sooner rather than later with the vague hope of staying in good working order till surgery next year.
I'm pretty much doing whatever I can to stay positive and feel in some sort of control of what is going on.
I saw my physio Wednesday and thought I for sure he would say I could start running again but nope - don't see him till next Friday and nothing, not even eliptical or bike (it is the loading not the impact that causes me problems) so I'm pretty well screwed for another week.
The plan then is to sit down with him and write up a progressive plan ( I know!! What the?? My usual approach is party when I feel good and moan and groan the rest of the time - clearly NOT working!) that will have me build up over time without sending me backwards at a screaming rate of knots.
I'd kill for a 20 minute easy jog right now!!!
So I'm off to the gym to lift weights AGAIN and then head for my barely earned massage thanking the stars that there is not an extra kg or 2 for Sam to massage!!
Any sympathy you wish to shower on me is most appreciated :)
Have an awesome weekend (training no doubt!!)
Michelle x