Exciting News!!

Given that the rest of this year and next year is mostly all about Taekwondo (as far as my own training goes) I have decided to give myself a very special gift.

I'm time poor, I have a million things on my plate but I have contacted 9th degree black belt Grand Master Oh and asked if he would train me one-on-one for an hour every week (add the 2.5hr round trip and it pretty much makes it a day out!).

So we start Monday!!

Since Mr Chang has been gone from my life I have sorely missed being in the regular presence of the Korean Instructors, the culture and their wisdom.

It has actually been a very emotional day for me today after being in contact with Master Oh because I guess it reminds me of what we lost when we lost Mr Chang and it came home to me just how much I have been yearning for this in my life again but have been ignoring it.
I have left it far too long!

Master Oh was one of the Head Instructors that took State Team training way back when, when I was first competing. I have also been to Self Defence seminars that he has taken alongside some of the other Korean Head Instructors which I have always loved.

It is such an honour to be able to work so closely with him.

One funny aside is that since I called and spoke with him we have been texting backwards and forwards :)

My mum can't even text!

I wonder if Mr Chang would have got the hang of it :)

I feel as though this is going to be very good for my soul.

Master Oh will also be able to help me with my language as I start to learn Korean in preparation for my trip next year - or so I hope, I haven't asked him yet!

Anyway class is about to start so I had better get my skates on.

I'll update you after I have my first training session!!


BryMcc said…
Your post really made me smile. Sounds like exactly what you need (& deserve). Lovely when you make that type of decision and it all comes together.