ANB Comp this past weekend

At the risk of making myself very unpopular here goes!

Yesterday I went to watch the Victorian ANB (Australasian Natural Bodybuilding) Comp for something different and to see if I want to have a crack in the novice div next year given I have been able to put some nice muscle on over the past 8 months.

OMG what an eye opener!!
Round 1 was the female fitness model category and the ladies looked great, nicely athletic and muscular for the most part.
What freaked me out though is that they have to do a dance routine sort of thing - WEIRD!!
Sooo not for me!
Anyway next was the men's fitness model - do they have to do a little dance?? Na ha!!
What is that about??!!
The men just walked across the stage - that's it!!
Not quite sure why when the category is the same that the women have to put on a show (some really cringe worthy too I might add) and then men just strut their stuff. I'm sensing some blatant sexism!

Anyhoo then the figure categories came on.
The men's novice was awesome, some great talent there that's for sure.
I can't remember which division it was but some guy won the crown over with his posing routine where he did the moon walk and running man - he was a crack up and really what the thing needed - some personality!

The thing I can't get my head around is all the make-up, high heels and fake tan. I understand WHY the need for it but I don't know, it just seems plain weird and overdone.

I also can't get my head around the fact they prime themselves for one date, dehydrating, starving, overtraining and then often go into some sort of depression because they can't look like this all year round.

It just seems such an extreme thing for one date when I know I rather look fit, lean, muscular and athletic all year round with some leaning out before photo's if I need to.

BUT I look at the competition in the novice division and think I could do ok and the challenge of it is tempting.

The next one is in May so my little brain is tick, tick, ticking!

If I did it I would do it my way and avoid the extreme measures.

One to ponder over!

Would love your thoughts!


BryMcc said…
Agree with you on this. I struggle with the idea of the dancing around, high heels, being orange and that dropping to unhealthy fat levels & dehydration - even if just for one day. I understand the why for the heels & tans, so ok could get over that, but why has it become so necessary to go beyond what is maintainable & healthy?
Michelle said…
That's the thing isn't Bry - why when it isn't sustainable or health more than anything else!