How are you using your week?

If you have goals (I am assuming you do) are you structuring your week so it supports your efforts to achieve the goals you have set for yourself?

As we know setting a goal isn't enough.

We need to consistently work towards that goal in order to get the result we want.

The best way to do that is to set our weeks up to encompass the tasks we need to do that will get us where we want to go.

Ideally we want to be working on our goals on a daily basis and working on no more than 3 major goals at any time to see the best results.

Here is a way you can go about this with just a little bit of effort.

Divide your goals into the main areas ie: Fitness - Financial - Personal Growth - Business (or career) - Home & Family.  These of course are just suggested areas and you can go ahead and create your own to fit  you better if you prefer.

Select the 3 major goals you plan to work towards and write down 7 things you can do for each of those goals.

Grab your weekly planner and then schedule those tasks in amongst your other weekly commitments but put these on the top of the list so you make them a priority.

Focusing on your goals on a daily basis means you won't get sidetracked along the way making your chances of success much, much higher.

Good luck with it.
Michelle x
