Are you moving forwards to backwards because you can be sure you are not standing still..
You have your goals set along with your deadline for achieving them but are you moving towards your goals or away from them?
One thing is for sure; if you are not consciously moving in the direction of your goals you are most definitely moving away from them.
There is energy attached to your goal so there is no such thing as standing still; you are either making progress or you are not.
So before you tell yourself it is ok to take a mental holiday from going after your goals know there is a cost attached to this; know that you will be slipping backwards however slightly it may be.
This can sound daunting but also know that there are the big steps we take towards our goals and there are also the little steps we take.
On the days you feel drained and challenged it is ok to only take the little steps so long as you take them and continue to move forwards.
Forgotten or neglected goals are never achieved so it is super important to be doing something every - single - day to move you towards your goals.
When you make going after your goals a daily action (like brushing your teeth) your chances of success are so much greater.
Each morning start with writing down your goals and work out what you will do TODAY that will take you another step closer.
I created a powerpoint slideshow of my goals and I watch this a few times a day. This works for me as it is on my desktop and easy to access in an instant when I need a pick me up.
Make it your aim this week to write down your goals every day and do at least one thing each day to take you closer to them.