A few lessons you might just need.

This morning I answered an email to one of my lovely ladies (who shall remain nameless but she knows who she is!) and her response was "there must be an article in there somewhere".

Before I continue here is part of my response..

"Time to relax a bit about things and try not to overthink - this all needs to become a daily part of your life now without you freaking out about every time you have an extra corn thin :)
You are doing everything right so just relax and have confidence in what you are doing and try to tap into your common sense - you know that cottage cheese and a rice thin isn't you spiralling out of control so try to keep things rational.
It is like everything else in this journey, an unlearning of some lessons that have not served you all that well.
It is good to be diligent but not obsessive.
I want you to get to a place where you are much more at ease with what you are doing and much more confident.
I know we will get there :)"

My client is not alone when it comes to obsessing about every morsel of food that passes her lips and I want to expand on two points.
The first is about the fine line between being diligent and being obsessive and the second is about tapping into your common sense but what they both come down to is really knowing yourself and having confidence in what you know.

There is a definite line between being diligent and obsessing.
If you are making good conscious choices about the things you eat and the way you train and feeling good because of these choices then chances are you are on the right track.

If you beat yourself and feel you are out of control for taking in an extra corn thin, as my client did, then you know it is time to re-evaluate things.
If every waking moment is consumed by not overeating or not missing a training session you know you are in trouble and if you take a step back and look at things from a distance you will know that you are not being rational and it is time to stop and take stock.

The thing with creating a healthy and active lifestyle is that it is a lifetime thing and you simply cannot sustain this way of thinking for a lifetime or you will go crazy or go off the rails completely.
Holding such tight control over everything that passes your lips is never going to last and is a disaster waiting to happen.

My second point is about tapping into your common sense.
It is too easy to get caught up in information overload and the minute detail ie: an extra corn thin.
There was a time when we knew BS when we saw it and chances are in every other part of your life you can discern what is an exaggerated claim or an extreme way of achieving something but it seems that when it comes to weight loss our brains turn off.

Truly you know that fresh food is better for you than packaged, you know that your body needs carbs, you know that there really is no magic pill to have you shred bodyfat, you know that you need to eat well and train regularly to get in shape - this is stuff you know.

Too often we defer to some ridiculous claim in the hope it is the answer we are seeking when if we instead looked at the way we are going about things and made some changes there we would get the result we are after.

I strongly urge you to get in touch with your own knowledge again and set yourself some simple rules to follow based on your own knowledge and common sense and follow these for a while, if things aren't working tap into more of your knowledge to change things around.
Get some solid input from someone you trust if need be but don't be distracted by the latest cutting edge research or product on the market.

Test your knowledge and gain confidence from week to week and just see what unfolds.
As always would love to hear from you.
Michelle x
