Keeping things simple..

As I mentioned in my last post life right now is crazy busy.
With so many irons in the fire it is a constant battle to stay on top of everything but touch wood so far so good.

I put this down to the systems and processes I have in place that I have had to ramp up a whole other level recently.

So if you are crazy busy like I am you know how quickly things can go from good to bad if you don't have a plan of action and actually follow it!

It really comes down to 3 simple things - food - training - everything else!

Here is what helps to me stay on track in times of chaos and I hope it can help you too.

1: Sundays I now cook up meals for the whole week for the family - I still throw on my salmon, chicken or steak and steam up my veggies but the issue for me is not my meals it is the family's so knowing I have cooked and portioned up everyones meals means that even if I am home at meal time I don't have to think about cooking which means I can spend some good time with my kids.

2: Training comes first. If I let that slide my energy dips, my focus crashes and I am plagued by anxiety and guilt - rather than agonise over getting to the gym I just go and get it done then l can forget about it.

3: My list. I have a list divided into sections: GLOW / PUSH / KIDS / HOME / OTHER
Every day I create my list first thing so kids school notices don't get forgotten, any important jobs that need to be done get done.  My list is my saviour as I don't need to think about it once it is all written down, I just need to get on with the job of getting it done and ticking things off one by one. Not everything gets done that day and if it doesn't it just gets added to the next day.

I like this simple approach, it keeps things easy to follow and means I don't (for the most part) forget the important things whether they be big or small.

On your journey to a health, fit body life will have times of craziness but if you can follow this simple strategy for staying on top of everything you will remain on track and feel in control despite the chaos.

Would love the hear your thoughts :)
