The Biggest Loser: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
Ok let's start with the good:
It motivates people to get busy losing weight.
It highlights just how dangerous it is to our health to carry excess weight.
Its good television.
I get to see Workout Worlds latest and greatest training gadgets :)
Shannon and Commando - the poor man looks like he is in hell training 4 girls who keep crying :)
Michelle is growing on me :)
The bad:
The injuries! The participants are injured A LOT due to the ridiculous and often unsafe demands being placed on their sedentary bodies. The fact the trainers have the safety net of a whole team of paramedics on hand does not make it ok to do this to those poor bodies!
The acting!! Why Oh Why do they think it needs to be scripted?! It is supposed to be reality television people!
We see very little of the training and way too much of the drama.
We don't see the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
The Ugly:
The fact that the general population now feels a 1kg per week weight loss is a failure. All I am going to say on this is look at how many Biggest Loser contestants actually maintain their results over time. So many of them put the weight back on and go on to plug weight loss shakes or other products and tell of how they fell apart because they couldn't maintain the intensity they were forced to endure in the house or the ridiculously low cal intake.
Losing 1 kg a week is never going to go out of style because it works; it works because you don't have to kill yourself to do it, you don't have to be injured or starved to within an inch of your life. You can lose 1kg a week and enjoy the process which means you will KEEP DOING IT which is key to maintaining.
If you lose 1kg a week give yourself a big pat on the back because you are doing it right :)
I debated whether or not to put this in The Bad because I know my bias is colouring my view but here it is: Tiffany!! I am horrified with the way my beloved Taekwondo is being portrayed here and hoping like hell that people don't think that all taekwondo people look like barbie and carry on like she does.
Typically we do not switch from being mild mannered people in normal clothes and turn into a banshee when we put on our doboks (uniforms) - it is so contrived it makes me want to vomit (too harsh??).
As a rule we are a dignified lot who don't feel the need to scream and carry on at our students!
One thing in her favour though is she is getting awesome results for her clients by adding taekwondo training to their program and I like the fact we actually get to see her train along with her clients and she is fit - running at 17kph on the treadie she was still talking and her recovery was good - if this is what really happened and things weren't cut then she is super fit so another tick there.
Stay tuned as the weeks go on I'll be sharing my views on the show - if this offends you please don't read any posts with the Biggest Loser in the title.
I just blogged today about the Biggest Loser, one of my friends thinks that the winner needs to wait for 2 years before they get the prize money to make sure they keep the weight off, I thought that was a brillant idea
I think that is a great idea about the 2 years although chances are the winner will need to go on and find their own way to keep the weight off because what is done in the house isn't anywhere realistic or sustainable. They are pretty much set up to fail!