A new year just around the corner..
I love the last couple of weeks of November because this is when I do 3 things I get excited about every year:
- Reflect on all of the things I achieved over the year and pat myself on the back (I don't do this during the year because I am too busy moving from one challenge to the next).
- Set my goals for the following year.
- Create my new vision board for the following year.
Because I start all of this in November it gives me plenty of time to think about what I really, really, really want the following year to be about so by the time I set it in stone I am certain of where I am headed.
On a professional level I already know 2011 is going to be about teaching and educating much more in person with the addition of Glow Fit Camps along with the decision to begin teaching taekwondo again - sooo excited about this I can hardly stand it!!
I'll be starting a women's only taekwondo class that will run 3 times a week and I just know I will love every second of it.
I'll be training for my 5th degree black belt and am very pumped about that - I had such a great time at my last grading and as I am already overdue for my 5th dan I'm keen to get it done.
These goals are just the tip of the iceberg - I usually challenge myself in a big way from year to year and it works well for me, if my goals aren't a little bit (or mostly a lot!) scary I'm not compelled to chase them too much - the scary ones I need to work hard for and these are the ones I appreciate the most when I can finally tick them off the list.
What are your goals for 2011??
If you haven't already started thinking about them I urge you to do so this month; get out a pen and paper and start brainstorming.
One of my favorite tools is a 100 Goals for (insert year) Worksheet. These are always a mix of big and little goals that I like to tick off as the year goes on and I almost always tick at least 90 of them and I challenge you to do something similar if not the same thing.
Include some scary goals and some smaller ones that are still meaningful and will make a difference but don't necessarily require a huge effort - this can be as simple as getting the shed cleaned and sorted or painting the lounge room.
A vision board is also a lot of fun and a visual reminder of what you are working towards throughout the year. My vision board is right next to my bed so it is the first thing I see in the morning and the last thing I see at night.
If you google vision boards you will see lots of examples to give you a place to start.
Also spend some time thinking about all the things you achieved this year and make a list.
I usually do this first so it puts me in the frame of mind to aim big on top of all of the successes of the current year.
Have fun with it and don't forget to dream big.