Getting ahead of the game for 2011

Despite the continued rain and wind and cold (in Victoria anyway) the calendar tells us Spring is just around the corner.
I can’t even tell you how happy I will be to see some sunshine after months of training in ridiculous conditions!
The start of Spring heralds the fact we don’t have much time left on our hands to get in shape for the warmer weather.
Whether you need to tone up or lose weight or get fitter now is the time to do it.
I’d like to challenge you not to make another New Years Resolution to get in shape or lose weight.
I challenge you to get the shape you want be in before New Years so that 2011 can be about taking your health and fitness to the next level rather than setting yourself the same goal as last year and perhaps the year before that.
For those of you already in great shape what is it you could be doing to take your health and fitness to the next level?
That is the great thing about this area of your life; it is the gift that keeps giving because there is always room for improvement regardless of how fit or thin you are.
Get yourself ahead of the game by using the final 4 months of this year to achieve some great things in the area of health and fitness and head into 2011 with the confidence, vitality and body image you need to make 2011 a year to remember. 
