Monday 4th May 2009
Well I have just spent a frustrating few hours trying to upload hundreds of photo's of my trip to no avail so I have set up a flickr account and got as far as putting up the Paris photo's. If you want to check out some of my Paris photo's click on the Flickr link on the home page or use this link I have had 2 "sickies" at home today which is very unusual as my kids don't get sick very often at all. Chloe is particularly unwell and pretty miserable. I headed out this morning for a quick run and physio appointment and when I got back I had planned to leave Chloe with Code while I went to a meeting at Chadstone but she was just too sick when I got back so I canceled my appointment and got some other work (and washing) done instead. Hopefully the kids will be feeling much better tomorrow. On Saturday Cody had his first ever skate comp - he has been putting off doing his first one for ages! He did really well. He came second and won "best trick" - he won two decks so that should save me a few hundred dollars over the next few months!! He is pretty happy with himself as he should be and now he has his first one out of the way there is no stopping him. Hard to watch though as they take some awful spills but I guess no worse than my family or friends (and kids when they were little) watching me in full contact sparring comps!! Taekwondo again in the morning - I can walk again now so it should be more enjoyable than it was at the end of last week - boy my legs and butt were sore!