Friday 15th May 2009

I have had THE BEST training week in ages despite having a cold. I have had to take the week off running due to my dodgy foot but have done a bunch of taekwondo classes, boxing, RPM and PUMP. RPM and PUMP in the morning then maybe a run if I can strap my foot up and run pain free then Sunday off. Sunday I plan to go and watch the State Seniors Sparring Comp (taekwondo) at the State Netball and Hockey Centre. It will be a great chance to catch up with some old training buddies and fellow instructors. Will try desperately NOT to be bitten by the competition bug again - competition sparring is soo addictive but it is also a huge commitment. I am not a very nice person to be around when preparing for a comp: selfish, grumpy, uncommunicative, stressed and bruised and battered the whole time. I also HATE to lose and am a nightmare to live with after a loss so not a good thing as far as harmony in the home goes!! Jodi has a handful of competitors from our club competing and she is also running the tournament so a busy day for her! Can't wait!! Cody is staying at a mates place tonight and big Chloe is staying at her mums (as is Gemma) so it is just little Chloe, Chris and I tonight. Little Chloe has a track session (running) with the tri club tonight; her first one and she is so excited. The boxing class I did last night is now happening on a Tuesday night as well so I am going to drag Cody along with me to do it also and even big Chloe if she isn't busy with study. Little Chloe (how tedious is this in print!!) has swimming with the tri squad on Tuesday nights so she can swim and we will box and when I start with the squad in August the two big ones can box and Clo and I will swim - all good!! My kicking power is coming back quicker than I first thought it would and my body feels awesome; not running 30k on the weekends is doing it the world of good!! Time for yet another shower then to go pick Chloe up from school.
