Basking in the possibility of a brand new year
My absolute favorite day of the year is New Years Eve.
I spend the day pulling together all the plans I have been tossing around for the coming year into a series of goals then I get to work on creating visions for each of my bigger goals.
This year I created a new vision board (right) for 2009 and I had a really fun time doing it. My new vision board is now on the wall next to my bed so I see it a hundred times a day.
This is very new for me; usually I am very private about my goals and aspirations (other than my fitness ones) and normally I would keep my vision board in a folder somewhere or on the inside of my wardrobe but this year I decided it was more important to me to keep this in full view so I can see it regularly than keeping my privacy.
My family have all filed through our room and had a look at it and have been inspired and what do you know - it didn't freak me out at all!
The pace over the school holidays has been wonderful. Business is naturally quieter this time of the year and as the kids are home from school there is no after school stuff going on and we are just enjoying the freedom of less structure in our days.
I have been on a mission to de-clutter the house and am about 50% there. This has rubbed off on little Chloe as she has been locked away in her room for days now only exiting to deposit more garbage bags into the trailer bound for the tip.
If only Cody would be inspired in the same manner!!! What is it with boys that allows them to live in the same room as dead apple cores growing mould without a second thought??
My training has been going well. I did take a week off to get my pain under control - I needed to stay off my legs to let the anti-inflams do their job and have decreased my training load somewhat in the lead up to Paris.
If I'm gonna get there I need to be a lot more conservative if I am to manage this hip problem till April.
Training now consists of 5 runs per week, 3 swims and 3-4 sessions of taekwondo.
I'm not doing classes till after Paris - my hip screams if I contact so I've been learning some long forgotten patterns and brushing up on my basic's. I am really enjoying this gentle side to training at the moment.
My physio Andrew at Casey Arc Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic and my massage guy; Sam from Narre Warren Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic are working together to keep me together for Paris. I am sure my pain level would be much higher and my ability to do what I do each week much less without thier constant care.
Next week I'm going to visit my sister and nieces in Simpson (4 hour drive from home) for a few days. She just recently moved there and I can't wait to see her new home and all the farm animals she now has. She is living in domestic bliss right now cooking and growing and being all creative. She has worked very hard for so many years now so it is really cool to see her able to relax and enjoy her new home and her children.
WOW - this has been a HUGE post! Time to go get some lunch.