Monday 20th Oct 2008

I love Monday's!! Sunday night I write up my training schedule for the week and get excited about how my week is going to pan out and of all the ways I know I will push my body this week.
Today I used my run on the treadmill today as a warm-up before my weights. There is a 20 minute time limit on treadmill so I just got on and went for it. This is a good way for me to increase my speed over shorter distances and I'll aim to get further and further over time.
Finished my run and did half my upper body workout - I am going to finish it tomorrow after taekwondo - this way I get a better quality workout.
After weights I did laps. I did 500m practicing breathing on one side for one lap then the other side on the way back - I tend to breath on my right side even though I can breath on both - I know it is good practice to swim both sides in case of chop in the open water stuff so it was good to do that today.
I also did 300 breathing every 4th stroke and I felt that was a great way to keep an eye on my stroke as I have more time with my eyes underwater.
I finished with 200 of arms only - my arms were pretty tired after weights plus I swam last night too.
All pretty good sessions today - I'm happy. I did an extra swim today because I get on the treadmill at the gym and look over the pool and can't help but get in there.
Feels good to have all of my training out of the way today and can tick the box on Monday :)
