Monday 8th Sep 08

Nothing better than waking up to sunshine streaming through the window; looks like spring is finally here!!
The weekend was lovely which was a good thing as we were busy with Cody's 13th Birthday and Fathers Day.
Friday night Cody had his party in our gazebo. It was very low maintenance; boys are a lot less fuss than thier counterparts when it comes to parties that is for sure.The kids were really good. Big Chloe had a couple of her friends around and one of Cody's mates is a bit older so they sat down with them but they were really no trouble at all.
The party finished at 9pm but Code had 4 of his friends sleeping over. They wanted to sleep on the gazebo, I wondered how long that would last when it got cold but they stayed out ther all night.They said a possum was climbing around the roof and that freaked them out a bit but they toughed it out.
The boys all had to be up early for Cody's basketball and were inside having breaky around 7am.
After basketball I drove all the boys to the skatepark next to the Yarra; gave them money for food then little Chloe and I hit Melbourne Central for a few hours before heading back and sitting in the sunshine by the Yarra - the day was gorgeous.
We left Melbourne around 4pm and the kids packed up their beds and stuff from the sleepover and I drove them all home - phew! long day.
Sunday morning we did the Fathers Day thing for Chris then I went for a 16km run before we headed out for lunch with Chris's family.
We had a great time with all the kids then came home and sorted the house and washing for the week ahead.
I sat down to watch a couple of hours of the paralympics before heading to bed.Today I plan to head in and do some weights a bit later but till then it is all about getting some work done.
