Mon 28th April 08

Busy, busy, busy!
Since taking on my triathlon training program life has been full on. I am still getting into the rythym of balancing it all with taekwondo, running, weights and pilates but loving every second.
I'm doing 2 swim sessions, 2-3 bike sessions, 3 runs, 2 taekwondo classes, 2 reformer pilates sessions and 3 weights sessions - it's nuts but I really am loving it. The upside is I get to eat more :)

Thursday night we went to see Even at the Brunswick Club in East Brunswick. It was the first night of their official album launch tour and it couldn't have gone any better - sold out show and everyone loved it. The boys headed to Woolongong Fri night and Sydney Sat night - they still have a few gigs to do before heading off to do some shows in London.
They were really cook'n on Thursday night and it was great to see them play to a packed house.

We caught a cab to the venue and as he didn't drive Chris had a few beers - he was having a good old time! He made a friend with another avid even fan and they were high fiving each other and carrying on a treat - it was hilarious!

We have been updating the Even site so you can now listen to their songs and purchase so go and check it out

I have been having loads of fun training the mums from school; we did a session today and I had them kicking and punching as well as the usual torture. Their fitness is really improving fast, they are putting in 100% and we get to have the odd giggle so I couldn't ask for more.

Today has been hectic actually. I have a business coaching client on Monday mornings and as I am coaching this client in person as opposed to over the phone I need to do the hair / makeup / heels thing that I dread and head into Knox. Coaching session over I headed home to answer a few progress reports from the girls, grab something to eat and head out to get my training done - today was run / weights / pilates. That done I trained the mums.
In between Cody needed to come home from school as he wasn't well, more emails and phone calls had to be answered.
Dinner is in the oven so I have a few moments to get this done and then I am out to pick Chloe and her friend up from dancing, drop her friend home come back do the homework thing with the kids, get dinner done, few more emails then feet up and chill time for moi.

Tomorrow isn't much better with physio at 8.30am, taekwondo at 9.30, swimming at 11, bike at 12.30 then home to work for a few hours before picking kids up and do my best to stay away from the laptop for a few hours!
