Thursday 4th Oct 07

Doesn't time get away from you! I can't believe I haven't been here since mid September. It has been a very busy time for Glow over the last few weeks and in Victoria we are also on school holidays which means trying my best to be mum first and business woman second to my wonderful children.
I am looking forward to school going back and into routine. It's funny, every school holidays I am craving the break from routine but after only a few days I want it back again! I am a bit of a creature of habit when it comes to the daily running of the household and my fitness and school holidays throws all of that into chaos. Luckily Chris is also self-employed so I have still been able to duck out for my runs while he works from home from time to time.
My shoulder has been pain free for a few weeks now so I am excited to be getting back to the gym again when the kids go back to school. They probably won't recognise me there as it has been months since I have been able to work out and as I only use the gym for weights there has been no other reason to go.
My running is going really well. I'm not as conditioned as I should be going into the Marathon but that is simply lack of time, I should have begun my training months ago rather than 8 or so weeks ago but that's ok I know I can do the distance having done very close to it a few times now and I'm certainly not trying to break any records. To finish upright and smiling is the goal at this point!
2 months ago I would never have imagined I could get myself to running 21km, it is amazing what you can achieve once you put your mind to it.
The great side benefit to all the distance running I have been doing is my shorter distance times have been cut quite a bit which is nice.
After Sunday I plan to work hard to get my 10k time down as much as I can. I am looking forward to not having to run for 2 hours at a time for a while, it takes so long and now I can get back into the weights I will need an hour most days for that.
The other benefit is that I could run 6 and 7km ok but 10 was a bit of a stretch unless I had one of those rare and brilliant days where I felt like I could run forever.
Now running 10km is easy everytime even when I am pushing it and that is such a wonderful feeling, I didn't think I would get to that, I thought it would always be hard.
The plan after the Marathon is to run 10 or 12km everyday with 16km or so on the weekend and I'm really looking forward to the routine of that and watching my times improve.
On another note Darlene and I went and shot a segment for the Living Life Now Program that airs on Foxtel's Aurora channel. Our segment will air on the 16th, 17th and 18th of November.
It was a lot of fun and I also got to meet Darlene in the flesh for the first time. I was instantly struck by how amazing she looked. She is completely transformed. We went and had a cuppa and a long chat after the shoot and it was really good to catch up with her.
Next Wednesday I am speaking at an event for Ovca which is the ovarian cancer charity. They usually get around 300 people at this event so I'm excited to share some tips inspire people into a healthier lifestyle. I'm really enjoying my speaking engagements a lot these days, working with the Glow Women means I have a deeper depth of knowledge than I have ever had before in helping people find their own motivation for exercise and striking the right balance so it is sustainable for them. It is a lot of fun to deliver these presentations and I get a lot out of the feedback I receive as it continues to remind me I am hittng the right chord as much of what I say resonates very strongly with the women in the group.
Well that was quite lengthy, I hope that makes up for my absence. I'll let you know how I go on Sunday at the Melbourne Marathon.
