Hip Surgery TAKE 2! (16 days pre-surgery)

In other breaking news :-)


I notice in my last update I had 5 women on the program, this got as high as 7 women but is now back down to 6 after I let one of the women go.

I had decided to run with the 5 women who had signed up at my Let's Do Lunch Event's for this first round but had another 2 women approach me to join after we had kicked off, they were fabulous inclusions and now the group is perfect :-)

Of course as with anything like this the women are progressing at different rates but everyone is where they are supposed to be (for whatever reason) and I'm excited about where things head to from here now we have most of the heaving lifting out of the way.

I'm launching a second mastermind group in Melbourne in July and also taking the program online in July so a busy time coming up post surgery.


After MUCH procrastination I can finally say my 3rd book is finally released!

We couldn't get sign off on that fabulous cover image in my previous post and I procrastinated for weeks and weeks about being on the cover but I eventually gave in and got it done so I could release the book!

I'm not happy with the cover, there is no "kickass" element to the image, there is definitely elegance but I was aiming for "kickass elegance" and I don't think we nailed it at all BUT I decided to just run with it so I could get the book out there because the content is FABULOUS (if I do say so myself!).

You can purchase the book HERE


In March I was invited to speak on 2 US podcasts and it was a lot of fun.

You can listen to one of them HERE


My kids are both doing great and seem happy and healthy and for that I'm truly grateful.

My daughter is progressing well, there will be setbacks for a while, anorexia is a tough illness to battle but overall she's doing great which as I am sure you can image is HUGE!!


Every day with Dave in it continues to be a dream come true, we are coming up to 2 years together and things just keep getting better and better.

I read somewhere that 6 months in is where the cracks start to form and if I'm honest I would say that at that time if we let it we could have found plenty to divide us but we chose to focus on how lucky we were to find one another and how awesome life is together.

We rarely fight (but often disagree), we laugh often, we enjoy each others company, we support each other, we have each others backs and our passion for one another hasn't waned.


Every day of my life is different.

I have my routines that keep me grounded but I also love the freedom and variety I have been able to create in my life.

Last week consisted of running an online program, meeting with my masterminders, taking my mum to The Conservatory at Crown, facials, shopping, training and a nights camping :-)

This week I'll be running my live mastermind as well as some online training, training, meeting with my masterminders, pre-op visits with my physio and time with my daughter before she heads back to school.

Some days I'm in heels and others in runners.

Some days I'm out and about and others I'm at my desk all day.

But every single day is amazeballs!

Sorry I left this update so long!!

I'll be journalling my post-surgery rehab and keeping you updated on other bits and pieces as often as I can (or remember to!).

