HUGE things happening!!

I barely know where to start!!

The pet project I spoke about in my last post now has a name!! The Art of Kicking Ass Elegantly.

This is a project I've been sitting on since midway through writing my first book (I released my 2nd last month) so a loooong time coming!

I softly launched my Facebook Page a couple of days ago and within 24hrs I'd hit 100 likes, pretty happy with that :-)

The Art of Kicking Ass Elegantly is a book but also a 12 month long high-end mentoring program for female entrepreneurs.

I'll be running a series of events called "Let's Do Lunch" along with the mentoring program.

I'm so excited by this; again it stemmed from seeking something similar and not finding it on offer anywhere.

It's a lot of fun and allows me to share another side of me, the one people often don't see or hear about, one that is very feminine and loves luxury and decadence.

I can't bring this into the world quick enough and thank-fully the book is coming along beautifully.

Exciting news on The Honourable Martial Arts Entrepreneur side of things is that my book has been well received and going a little bit viral!!

I've also been invited to speak in Florida in May at a Martial Arts Conference which is awesome!
This gives me a chance to share my message and also catch up with some of my US based followers so I'm looking forward to that!

Dave's going to come so we will make a great trip of it, it will be my 4th time to the US and Dave's first, lots of fun :-)

My hip is still mending, I've been in a lot of pain so most forms of training are out of the question but it hasn't hurt me too much to rest up but I'm definitely chaffing at the bit to sweat again!!

Another handful of huge opportunities have also presented themselves but until I have confirmation I'll keep them to myself, don't want to get you all excited for nothing :-)

It's going to be an awesome finish to the year and already 2015 is shaping up to be incredible!
