My gym just got better!!!

Yep...sure did!!

I dragged myself to the gym today (this weather is challenging my usually highly motivated state) and as I hit the top of the stairs on my way to warm up I spotted this!!!

There was a sign up saying they are putting in a boxing ZONE!! which I immediately translate in my head to KICKING zone :-)

NOW I'll be chaffing at the bit to get there every day again - woo hoo!

It's a great bag too, just the right amount of weight and swing...perfect!

So I ditched my usual treadmill warm-up and knocked out around 300 kicks then went and did my shoulder workout.

After my shoulder workout I came back and knocked out another 500 or so kicks.....heaven!!

I know I have my own dojang but it's about a 25 minute drive each way and I'm so under the pump right now I don't really have the time to lose almost an hour each day to kick the bag so this is the perfect answer.

I'll be packing my boxing gloves to take to the gym now so I can add some punch / kick combo's.

Anyway I could bang on about this all day but I know not everyone is as excited about this as I am!

It's been a few weeks since I posted and life has been really busy in a good way, business stuff, social stuff, kids stuff, training stuff and the usual trying to keep the house from turning into a gross mess :-(

My nutrition has been ok, not perfect but my motivation for being super clean just isn't there for the moment and I'm ok with that.

Usually winter doesn't affect me too much but this time round it's really played havoc with my attitude towards training and leaving the house in general!

Surprising really because last winter I lived in the hills in a house that was like an icebox no matter how much I tried to heat it. It was cold, wet and muddy all winter and I was just dying to get out of there.

This winter I'm in a beautiful home, my office is bright and open, it heats beautifully and we have a drive in carport so I don't get wet!

Not sure what it is but I'll be pretty happy to see the end of winter that's for sure!

I realised I was spending a lot of mental energy forcing myself to eat super clean and drop some bodyfat when I was fighting it every step of the way and I decided that now isn't the time to go flat out, it can wait.

I've got so many big things in the works right now business wise that this is my focus and I'm happy with the choices I'm making.

Life is about balance and fun and I'm enjoying every second of it right now and that's my priority.

The picture above is of this awesome recipe I found for 2 Ingredient Protein Pancakes; 2 eggs and 1 banana blended into pancake batter, so easy and it's really yummy.
I've added to it by adding 1 tbsp almond meal and 1 tsp chia seeds to bulk it up a bit and that's even better but really just the 2 ingredients tastes good too.

Only 13 sleeps now until I'm heading to Thailand and in the warm weather.....cannot wait!!
It will be just what the doctor ordered I think!
