The Goal Arrow Tool

The goal arrow tool below is a really great way to constantly be reminded of and track your current goal.

The Goal Arrow
Take a piece of A4 cardboard or paper and draw a long arrow with area to shade inside the arrow or use the picture attached in the adobe file.
At the end of the arrow pointing backwards paste pictures and words that relate to not achieving your goal ie: your before photo and all of the negative emotions associated with not achieving your goal.
At the other end place images of what achieving your goal means, could be images of a dress you want to wear, a picture of a female bodybuilder, an activity you would do that you wouldn't do now etc
Keep a copy of this arrow in all of the places you are tempted.
The arrow represents whether the choices you make are moving you forward towards your goal or backwards.
Colour in your progress using pencil. When you move forwards and colour to the right you will re-enforce the positive feelings you gain from making forward progress and knowing you have to rub it out and colour in on the left side of the arrow will make you think twice.
Above the arrow write your goal. You might want to do a new one each week or each month . Whatever works for you.
