Coach Yourself to Set Compelling Fitness Goals

The first step in coaching yourself is to set a compelling goal; a goal that excites you and a bit of a stretch BUT you can see that if you stick at it you will get there.

When we set the goal we need to follow the smart principle of: 

What is it you want EXACTLY?

How will you know you have achieved it?

Is it a stretch but still something you know you can achieve with effort?

You need to believe you will achieve this goal if you work hard enough.

What is the date you need to have achieved this goal by?

If your goal lacks any of these elements you will need to tackle it a little further; you will know when the goal is "right" because it will have you feeling excited and just a little bit anxious.

When you are setting your goal ask yourself the following:

What do I want?

Why do I want it?

What will it give me?

What do I really want / what is my real goal?

The power of the goal comes not from what it is you are trying to achieve it but WHY you want to achieve it.

For example your goal may be to loose 20kg.

Is the real goal to loose 20kg?

Or is the real goal to look and feel great in your clothes?

Or to increase your confidence so you can start to.....?

Or is it to be able to play with your kids in the park?

Or is it to complete a 4km fun run and feel like a fit, healthy, athletic person?

Is it to finally go out dancing with your friends and not feel the odd one out?

Work out what it is that the goal will give you because often this is far more inspiring than the goal itself.

The goal "Buy my first bikini" may be more inspiring than "Lose 20kg" for some people.

Once you work out what your goal is you must write it down and place your written goal along with its achievement date in a number of prominent places so you are constantly reminded of your goal.
