How to stay fit and healthy over winter

If there is any time of the year that is going to challenge your dedication to fitness winter is it. When the wind is blowing at galeforce and the rain is teeming in monsoonal proportions a nice cup of hot chocolate and a good movie is far more appealing than a 5k run out in the elements.
The thing is you have worked hard all year to gain a level of fitness you are happy with, have shed last winters spare tyre and have been looking and feeling pretty good so don’t let it all go south for the winter.
Here are some surefire ways to stick and enjoy training through the winter months.
Go Shopping for New Clothes
That got your attention didn’t it! You simply cannot workout in the same clothes you wore all summer! There is nothing more motivating than having some funky new outfits to wear to the gym. Buy a few staple pieces that you look and feel great (and warm) in and be sure to invest in some good quality thermal clothing and breathable and wicking clothes; this refers to the mechanism in some fabrics where moisture (i.e. sweat) is transferred away from the body to the outer layers of clothing. This means that the sweat does not stick to your skin, and then cool you down.
Beat the cold go for layers
It is really important to layer your clothes in cold conditions; particularly if you are exercising outdoors. Ideally wear three layers of clothing on your upper body to help to trap heat between the layers and increase the flow of moisture away from the body. The first layer should be a snug fitting, short sleeved and made of lightweight wicking material. The second layer is similar but long sleeved. The final layer should be breathable, wind proof and waterproof if you are expecting rain.
On your lower body wear a pair of thermal tights like skins or under armour wear that are also make of breathable and wicking with a pair of light tracksuit pants over the top, water and wind proof if you are exercising outdoors.
Lastly a hat, gloves and sunnies when training outdoors.
Create a winter menu – eat hot and healthy
One of the best things about winter is that soups and casseroles are back on the menu and these options are also an easy way increase your vegetable intake. There are many low fat and low kj recipes on offer on the internet so spend an hour or so downloading some new recipes to try out.
Vegetarians should try and click on the casserole section. Another great site is . On these sites the recipes are free.
Keep germs at bay
Getting sick can really turn your best intentions pear shaped; a week or so off with a head cold and it can be really difficult to get back on track. A very simple but effective way of avoiding a cold or the flu is to wash your hands regularly.
Carrying a hand sanitizer gel in your gym bag and in your handbag will also give you added protection when you can’t get near soap and water. At the gym be sure to avoid touching your face and the top of your drink bottle unless you have washed your hands; remember that the person touching the equipment before you may have a cold and can pass it straight onto you.
Run to increase your immune system
There have been many, many studies done on regular runners and increased immunity. By measuring the blood levels of lymphocytes (white blood cells that attack disease causing antigens) researchers have found higher concentrations during and after exercise. Regular runners report that they rarely catch a cold or flu despite running through the winter months; running also prevents the natural decline in immunity as we age. Remember you don’t have to go out and run 10k everyday to get the benefits.
Even if you have never run before you can start out slow and build up to it until you are running for 30 minutes 3 or 4 times a week.
Have a back up plan
There is nothing worse than planning to go for a run or walk only to look out the window only to see the rain coming down with no chance of it letting up. If you don’t have a back up plan for these days your fitness routine can easily come unstuck so it is crucial to formulate a Plan B.
It is a good idea for you to write up a few alternatives for your Plan B so you can roll them out when you need them. By thinking and planning ahead winter’s little challenges don’t have such a negative impact on what you are trying to achieve.
Get a training buddy to keep you honest. Team up with someone with similar goals to you and commit to keeping each other honest. Before starting out have a meeting where you work out a weekly schedule you are both willing to commit to. Be sure to make it clear that as a training partners each of you is expected to make the other person feel unparalleled guilt if they pull out of a session without the valid excuse of broken bones or severe vomiting and even then they will require a medical certificate.
Get outdoors
What? you ask. Get outdoors when even the mad dash to your car in the morning is torture? Nothing as you feeling as invigorated as a run or long walk out in the elements plus you get to see your usual environment from a fresh perspective.
So long as you wear the appropriate clothing and are protected from the elements there is absolutely no reason not to.
Get a program you enjoy
It is simply much easier to stick to an exercise program you are really loving when the temptation to take a day off hits rather than dragging yourself to the gym to do the same old boring routine. Get yourself a program you love or even exchange your regular gym sessions or cardio for a variety of different classes you wouldn’t normally attend and enjoy the change of a group environment.


Great post, thanks for sharing, I keep forgetting we have opposite seasons, hot as blazes night now here.