Monday 6th Oct 2008

That sounds really awful doesn't it?? I love the little darlings to death but by the end of 2 weeks I'm starting the feel the effects of not being able to race out to the gym or go for a run whenever I feel like it. Makes me a bit crazy.
Last night I fell asleep around 2am. Why you ask?? Because just as I was about to fall asleep (at a reasonable time) I started to thinkabout the training session I had planned today and for the rest of the week. I got so excited I couldn't turn my brain off no matter how hard I tried.So, today I have been a bit weary but got some great training done today anyway.First thing after dropping Chloe to school I went to the gym and did a 20 minute run on the treadie as my warm-up (funny how when you are used to running over 90 minutes 20 minutes now seems like a warm-up).After that I did an upper body workout then headed to the pool for 30 minutes of laps.
Then home for everyones progress reports and the peace and quiet was wonderful.
The house is in great shape after the last few days of sorting, throwing things out etc so not only was it quiet it was neat as well. Paradise.
We bought a skate ramp (a half pipe if you wanna get technical) for my son a week ago as a surprise and yesterday my hubby and his trainee went to pick it up. You should have seen Code and his mates when they saw it - priceless.
The ramp was set up by 2pm and they didn't get off it last night till 8pm and Code slept like a log last night.
His friends Jo, Luke and Andy are really great kids - Andy is sponsored by some skate companies and is older than Code and the other boys and they look up to him and he is really great with them.It is really nice to have them around, they are all great kids and they make me laugh so much, they are so funny.They had a permanent marker and the first time they hit the deck they marked the spot with the date and incident!! I have to say I was a little alarmed when I heard Luke ask "Are those blood stains?". Hmmm...Better keep practicing my first aid.
I'm guessing Cody's room willl be looking a whole lot neater these days with a ban on the skate ramp hanging over his head :)
Chloe B is back at dance today - jazz and clasical today. Not long now till the end of year concert which she loves.
Time to go make dinner.
