Is the standard you set yourself high enough?

Today's blog is a copy of an email I sent to some of my glow girls and I thought you might enjoy the change from me rabbiting on about my trainging sessions :)

Today I want to talk with you about the expectations you place upon yourself and pose the question “are your expectations high enough” when you consider what you want to achieve in life and in particular in relation to the goals you have set around your health and fitness. Then there is an exercise for you to do to make the process nice and straight forward.
The name escapes me now but a long while ago I clearly remember an American athlete saying his success could be attributed to the fact he always expected more of himself than anyone else would ever expect.
What a fabulous standard to hold yourself to!
And this leads me to a rather confronting question: Are you demanding enough of yourself? Are you demanding more of yourself than anyone else could expect to demand?
It bares thinking about doesn’t it?
Consider your health, fitness or weight loss goal for a moment; what are the elements that contribute to your goal?
Here are the elements I see: Commitment
Planning / Prioritising / Childcare
Resistance Training
Cardio Training
Rest / Recovery
Mindset / Focus

Add any elements that are missing for you and then for each area outlined ask yourself the following questions.
- What am I demanding of myself in this area?
- Am I happy with the standard I have set?
- If not what new standard can I now demand of myself?
Once you have defined new standards list precisely what actions and behaviors will life you to this standard.

By demanding more of ourselves we get bigger and better results.
