9th January 08

Just got back from a fantastic run at Cardinia Reservoir Park near home. I didn't head out till almost 7pm but it was still really hot and sunny - tomorrow will be worse at 41 degrees :(
I did a 3km warm up jog followed by 8 x 100m flat out sprints with 60 sec recovery followed by 30 minutes of 1 minute fast runs at about 90% with 1 minute recovery and ended with a 10 minute walk as a cool down. My head looked like a beetroot when I finished - very attractive!

Great session though, I did the sprints and speed work on the road and in the car park where the shade was and that made it a bit more bearable. Had the always pleasant chuck from working so hard in the heat, really is an unpleasant side effect.

I did ok though, better than I thought as my legs are really stiff and sore from a killer leg workout on Monday, they warmed up well which was a bonus.

Had a rest day yesterday as I was flat out with work and Chloe had a friend over to play for all of the day. Turned out to be a good thing as I got loads done as the girls were contented to amuse themselves all day - a rare thing over the holidays.

Monday we spend most of the day at Emerald Lake Park; Cody played with his remote control boat and then he wanted to go on the water bikes. We bumped into some of the kids from school so Cody and Chloe hung out with them for hours playing in the park and riding bikes and climbing trees, it was a really lovely day.

Tomorrow I have a meeting in Berwick and it will be nice to wear real clothes for a change! I don't think I've been out of my running gear all holidays!

The plan tomorrow is to get my workout done before I head into Berwick and run in the evening - that's the plan anyway!

I am going to Jen Hendershots Phat Camp in March and I told Darlene (Glow superstar women) and now she is coming too and we are sharing a room for the 2 nights we will be there - I can't wait, should be lots of fun. Darlene is excited too; it will be nice to have a friendly face there, most of the time I go to these things I don't know a soul so this makes a nice change.
